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Beatbullying In Schools

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Pages 6
What do we know about religions outside our own? Some say we don’t know enough, which leads to problems with kids understanding why certain people do things and pry differently than they do. The world is also changing, the U.S is known for allowing people of other cultures and religions in, so we’re more diversified now. Then there are some who oppose teaching religion in schools because they don’t see the importance or they question everything the other group has to say.
Kids, despite being perceived as pure and innocent, can be very harsh. Bullying done because of religion is now seen being started in kindergarten and pre-school. A study done by Beatbulling Charity found that those being bullied because of their religion begin to question their faith, start feeling ashamed of it, and will stop talking about it. Bullying, as we all know, leads to young people doing self-harm or turning to alcohol and drugs to cope. They found that one in five young people would rather be in a …show more content…
Many see it as a form of preaching and that religion has no place in the schooling system. Others argue on what religions should be taught. then there are those for it, saying it will teach kids to not be as judgmental. That would then lower the bulling rate. This issue has not been debated or really talked enough about to really call people to action, but with the way the world is changing and how newer generations see religion I think it should be talked about a bit more. I am on the fence if religion should be taught in schools, but I really think if people have such a problem with it why do we have Christian only schools that teach their religion? If religions shouldn’t be taught in school why is it fair to have a specialized religion school? If you don’t want a religion taught in school don’t dedicate an entire education institution to

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