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Flight Screening Research Paper

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As a child, I remember watching AAA baseball, one step below Major Leagues Baseball. Before the first pitch could happen and the umpire could scream “PLAAAY BAAALL!” The National anthem was always sung first, Along with the US Airforce Color Guard. I remember me, my siblings, and mom and dad proudly removing our ball caps, and putting our hands over our heart, and listening to the national anthem. The most memorable part of this was the strong finale, “The land of the Free, and the home of the brave!” which was sung as fighter jets flew in formation, screaming over the stadium along with the audience cheering with great excitement. I was taught both by my parents and experiences like these ones to be thankful for the opportunity to be living …show more content…
IFS screens the airmen to make sure he meets all the requirements and helps them develop their flying skills( Lt. Col. John Tomjack, the 1st Flying Training Commander, said on the Air Force Military News website “Our primary mission here, as the Gateway to Air Force Aviation, is to ensure that our graduates have attitude, aptitude and motivation to succeed in follow-on pilot training.”( IFS is a 20 hour program covering basic navigation skills( After this I attend Undergrad flight training, and train with the plane I’ve been assigned. After this I can say that I am officially a Pilot for the …show more content…
Becoming an Air Force pilot is a lengthy process: meeting the physical requirements, maintaining a 3.0+ GPA, excelling in AFROTC, OTS, and Flight training. In the future, I’ll be the one saluting the flag as the national anthem plays and fighter jets fly by, before watching my favorite baseball team play. My love for God and Country, and Flying has put me on the right path to becoming a pilot for “The World’s Greatest

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