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TSA Screening Research Paper

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President Bush, speaking from Barksdale Air Force Base, La., says the U.S. military has been put on high alert worldwide. He asks for prayers for those killed or wounded in the attacks. "Make no mistake, the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts,"( Later President Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office (
TSA screening Procedures
TSA screening has various issues, from carry-on rule to carry-on restrictions, additionally to who get a pat down or who goes into the private room to be searched. However, generally these issues as they may be a bit uncomfortable, but it is for the safety and security of our lives. This research paper is about TSA Screening, all travelers who travel via airplanes through our nation airport terminal will be screened. Everyone who flies on any plane out of the United Stated airport terminal will have to go through a TSA checkpoint. …show more content…
Even if the Precheck long is long, as a member you should worry because this line would move faster than the regular line, because you won’t have to unpack your carry-ons. The other great deal about being a Precheck member is you get to escape the body scanners which passenger goes through like X-ray machine with their arms raised. This still doesn’t take you completely out of the screening process, because you will have to be patted down if you choose not to enter the body scanner. Body scanner can sometimes be uncomfortable for passengers, especially if the agent is of the same gender and one is not available to conduct the pat down. Nevertheless, at any time a TSA agent can randomly select you for a security check. By putting the TSA Precheck logo on your boarding pass will make to help with a faster

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