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Japanese Response To Western Imperialism

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Japanese Response to Western Imperialism During the Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries
Chayse Hew-Len

Beginning in the nineteenth century, European imperialism affected Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Middle East. The Industrial Revolution that had gone underway beginning during the 1830s facilitated European hegemony on a global scale. Fukuzawa Yukichi’s “Goodbye Asia” and Jun’Ichiro Tanizaki’s “In Praise of Shadows” represent poignant yet contrasting responses to western imperialism. While some thinkers describe and embrace the inevitability of westernization, others articulate their disdain and criticism of westernization as a result of the political and economic drawbacks associated with globalization. Jun’Ichiro …show more content…
Japan quickly modernized and emerged as an imperial power that the West had to contend with, which Japanese military victories against European powers signaled at the outset of the twentieth century (Bentley and Ziegler 748-749). During his early years, Tanizaki partook in diffusing the popular faith and belief in modernization vis-à-vis westernization. However, despite fervently advocating for Westernization, he also becomes a staunch nationalist who critiques the West using nostalgic language and imagery. He celebrates the shadows, or the subtle interplay that exists between darkness and light rather than the stark dichotomy of white and black, that permeate every facet of traditional Japanese life. Tanizaki laments that “the recent vogue for electric lamps,” gas stoves, and “toilet fixtures”—all of which represent the fruits of modern, westernized technology—are incongruous when situated in a traditional Japanese-style room (Tanizaki, as cited in Reilly, 877). He thus decries that the incorporation of modern technology and westernized inventions essentially eradicates the traditional elegance that once characterized spaces of spiritual retreat. The juxtaposition between traditional Japanese aesthetics and modern Western conveniences by …show more content…
He avidly pursued the acquisition of Western epistemologies in European schools. As a privileged figure who received a Western education, Fukuzawa partook in the initial Japanese venture to the United States in 1860, and once he returned to Japan he wrote books and taught classes about the daily life in the West and western institutions (Reilly, 317). The Japanese desire to modernize in a short amount of time during the Meiji era thus undergirds salient attitudes many intellectuals possessed that lauded westernization as a stepping stone for Japan to become a world power like western imperial powers. Written in 1885, two decades after Japan opened up its borders to western influences, Fukuzawa touts Japan’s acceptance of western encroachment into Japan and advises Japan to abandon Asia in order to “cast aside Japan’s old conventions” that are “mutually exclusive” from modern civilization (Fukuzawa, as cited in Reilly, 318-319). Fukuzawa contends that the Japanese are far different from the Chinese or the Koreans who, “do not know how to progress either personally or as a nation” because they eschew modernized advances such as novel forms of transportation, which renders those two nations incompatible with surviving as autonomous nations in the face of western encroachment (319). Thus,

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