Premium Essay

Jason Statham Commercial Essay

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Words 1037
Pages 5
Imagine sitting on the subway watching a funny video on your brand new modular phone while a couple of onlookers standing in front of you also watch. Suddenly one of the onlookers bumps into the another. Each person exchanges an ugly look at each other and fists begin to be thrown. That is how the “LG G5: Jason Statham Commercial” starts. Another aspect of the commercial to note is that each character has Jason Statham’s face. The two fighting keep exchanging blows as they traverse through the subway up the stairs to the outside until eventually one of them hits a baby’s walker. The commercial moves on from the two fighting to a lady dancing outside a window while being recorded from a viewer inside. The waiter serving the person who is recording puts a pastry into a strange looking machine that not only ignites the pastry but also launches it through a glass; through the window’s glass; across the street while also igniting a motorcyclists back; and eventually hitting the window of a bank. This alerts the bank robber stealing from the bank and he lifts his mask up to reveal that it’s another Jason Statham. The bank robber begins to …show more content…
The commercial focuses more on Pathos, the imagination. They created a world that is very hectic and has a lot of things going on, never leaving a dull moment. They also balance the constant action and craziness with humor. They use these two genres as a way to show the viewer that their phone is something that won’t get dull and will be exciting to use. They also use a song that is very whimsical. The song itself has brought in viewers to look up the commercial, so I would say that it was a successful choice. They also show in the midst of a bank robbing scene that every witness is consumed with their phone and the new features it has. A very funny scene is when the guard is too busy using his new virtual reality headset to stop the criminal, and the criminal just walks

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