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Why Minors Should Not Be Allowed To Get Tattoos

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Young minds could lead to bad mistakes

Americans spend about $1.65 billion on tattoos every year! Plus researchers found that 31 American citizens said that they had suffered from some kind of rash, swelling, infection, delayed healing, and raised bumps; however, 18 out of those 31 people said that their problem lasted for more than four months. This is important because more and more minors want to get tattoos and piercings, but they have a risk of getting wounds and other side effects so they need to know the effects that will come with getting tattoos and piercings. Minors should not be allowed to get tattoos or piercings without parental permission because getting a tattoo increases the risk of dangerous health issues, laser removal is very expensive, and communication with family or friends will be affected. …show more content…
Some of the risks for gettings tattoos and piercings include abscesses, uncontrolled bleeding, nerve damage, skin growing over the jewelry in piercings, skin irritation, diseases being transmitted and so much more (Body art: what, n.d.). Many of the risks are from the metal in the dye and from the needles used to give tattoos; in fact, when giving a tattoo, the needle goes through the epidermis, or the outer layer of the skin, and delivers the ink into a deeper layer of skin which is called the dermis. Tattoo artists use multiple needles to create a tattoo, when doing this a machine moves the needle up and down puncturing the skin between 50 and 3,000 times per

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