Premium Essay

Jco Donut and Coffee


Submitted By titiapot
Words 1049
Pages 5
Significance of the Study
In general, any study on how customers perceive marketing strategies is significant because it is usually used in determining if marketing strategies employed by companies are effective and if they translate into what customers expect from products and services that they patronize.

Specifically, the following will also benefit much from the study:

Methods and Procedure
This chapter presents the methods that the researchers will use in the study. It also describe the subjects of the study, the instruments used, the procedure of data gathering, and the statistical treatment of data.

This study will determine the comparative assessment of the respondents of J.Co and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.

Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to compare the customers’ perception on the marketing strategies of J.Co Donuts & Coffee and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. It specifically aimed to answer the following problems:
1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age,
1.2 Gender,
1.3 Civil status,
1.4 Monthly income or allowance.

2. How do the customers perceive the marketing mix strategies of J.Co Donuts & Coffee and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts in terms of:

2.1 Product,
2.2 Price,
2.3 Place,
2.4 Promotion, and
2.5 People?

3. How do the marketing strategies of J.Co Donuts & Coffee and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts compare in terms of:
3.1 Product,
3.2 Price,
3.3 Place,
3.4 Promotion, and
3.5 People?

4. What are the problems encountered by the customer respondents?
5. What are the solutions suggested by the customer respondents?
The management of J.Co Donuts & Coffee and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
The client of both donut cafes.
The donut industry, in general.
Researchers conducting the same

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