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Jean Leon Gerome Research Paper

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Pages 6
Throughout Paris and Europe the art world was consisting changing and in the years of 1889 and 1889 the threshold of debate was between the traditional artist and a new wave of modern artist. Traditional artist believed in the ideology of traditional and aesthetic art as the foundation of art and should not be changed. However, modern artist such as impressionist believed that the old art world was becoming boring and that there needed to be a change. For my inquiry class I was given the opportunity to play the artist named Jean Leon Gerome. Gerome is a famous traditional artist who despises the new art wave and believes that it is considered sloppy with no obvious message in the art work. To have the privilege to play Jean Leon Gerome …show more content…
They try to create this with obvious brush strokes to make it the viewer feel like they are living in the moment of the painting. They want the meaning of the painting to be questioning and allow the viewer to come up with their own meaning. However; the academic artist like my character disagree with modern art because it does not follow all the rules that they have been taught and continue to teach in the Ecole. Traditionalist artist argue that art should capture life in detail, almost like a still photo but through painting. The objective of academia art is to reveal that art through history and imagination because one cannot go back into the past to take photos of such art work. To them that is what defines the meaning of art. It is something that is imaginative yet structured, detailed and the meaning is obvious and singular. Which is why though modernist define the meaning of art as expression and how a painting emotionally effects the viewer, academic artist disagree because they feel like impressionist and other modern art are unfinished with undefined brush strokes and …show more content…
Acting in the perspective of my character I chose The dream to be awarded the medal of honor because it is a historical painting which is what the academy mainly looks for and it has the basic structures of foreground, middle ground and background and it depicts strong sense of imagination with the victory presented in the cloud, the message is obvious and singular which is of soldiers dreaming of victory before battle. It is a very patriotic piece. Furthermore, the use of detail and color are very precise and attention grabbing which most academic members like Gerome look for in a piece of work. The second nomination was of the knife. I chose this painting to represent my character’s taste because it is exotic. I believe Gerome admired paintings like this because he loves to paint historic and exotic moments in history just like his painting of the carpet market. The third nomination was of the mother. I selected this paining because in the hierarchy of style in the academy, portraiture falls second under historical paintings. This painting is very detailed and captures the mother and child in detail and is realistically drawn as you can tell from the color on the

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