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Xm Satellite Radio Research Paper

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We live in a society where music and talk shows have become an important part in our everyday life. We listen to music/talk shows throughout different mediums, such as TV and radio. Radio has been around for a very long time. It was first invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 as a wireless telegraph to send Morse code through the air, so people can send messages from a country to another (Stephens, 1995). However, in 1912 the first radio act was passed (Crawford, 2008). In addition, after the first world war, people started using radio for a different reason. They started broadcasting music or reading the news to anyone who is tuned in (Stephens, 1995). As time passed, we still use the radio for the same purpose, whereas it is mostly for music now. Nowadays, we can find various radio stations to tune to programs and one of them is XM Satellite Radio. This radio is one of the satellite radios and also an online radio service that is in USA and Canada. It is provided by pay-for-service radio and cable television. …show more content…
People refused to pay for this new satellite radio, they were wondering why they should pay for it while they have other free satellite radio and what is special in XM. XM Satellite Radio did a creative way to convince people in joining the satellite. They gave them the opportunity to try it for free first and then people can decide if they want to pay or not. XM satellite radio main goal is to attract people toward the radio by telling them about their unique features. One of them is that people are able to listen to the radio without any commercial breaks. In addition, they tried to convince people to pay and listening to the XM satellite radio and increase the number of their subscribers. Finally, they wanted to make people prefer using XM rather than using iPod and MP3.

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