Premium Essay


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Patients will also benefit from a health information system by allowing them to have access to their records, and help them keep track of their health trends. Patients will not have to fill out redundant paperwork for every office visit. It can also allow them to have access to interact with their physician in-between office visits. The system can provide patient with appointment reminders, and when health check-ups are due, such as yearly physicals, pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, and prostate checks One of the most useful features is the ability for patient to have an up-to-date list of correct medications and dosages. Providing patients with the ability to manage their health more efficiently is the overall outcome we hope to …show more content…
If the patient drops below a certain point, the background will turn from blue to yellow and then red, to indicate that something has changed. However, the score is only as accurate as the data that is documented, and one insignificant detail could cause Peratrend to determine a lower score and change into the yellow or red. Using Peratrend as a guide can help nurses identify potentially subtle changes in a patient’s condition. When blood pressure is going down, heart rate is going up, and white blood cell counts are increasing are all signs that sepsis is eminent. These measurements can be easily overlooked if they are all in different locations, but with systems like Peratrend, all the information is pulled into it, and a visual alert is created for the nurse to be able to identify …show more content…
Nurses have access to patient records from previous visits, or other hospitals/ doctor’s offices. The system can have built in alerts, reminders, and even help decide the best course of treatment for the patient with preloaded order sets and care plans. This will increase the quality and consistency of care that patients receive. The nursing process contains 5 steps: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Education. These steps provide the foundation for nurses to “critical think”. Health information systems can make it difficult to accurately document if the program has an insufficient workflow design. The current system at my hospital requires the nurse to open 4 different applications within the program to accurately document. It is easy to forget to document patient data, and there is no system check to ensure that it was completed by the end of the shift. Another problem this system has, is when you click to view lab or radiology results. At least 5 times a shift, I have to resize the program window to be able to view the results. The underlying problem with this is that it’s easy to assume nothing in there if results do not populate automatically. Important patient data could effortlessly be missed due to a fault in the

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