...Updike’s short story, “A&P” takes place in a small conservative town. Sammy the protagonist struggles between conforming and rebelling against the conservative society of the 1960s. I argue that the narrator’s point of view, setting, and dialogue relates to Sammy being overwhelmed by internal struggle, power and pain. These rhetorical devices will allow younger audiences to feel Sammy’s struggle. The first person narrator Sammy has an internal struggle between conformity and rebelling against the status quo. The story begins by Sammy stating, "In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suits. I'm in the third check-out slot, with my back to the door, so I don't see them until they're over by the bread". The first sentence establishes a connection and draws interest to readers. Sammy’s colloquial tone allows younger adults to relate to Sammy and the position he is in. Also his tone allows readers to experience the situation at first- hand. Although the reader’s view of the character is limited through Sammy lens and what he sees as his truth, he shifts back and forth of his limited opinion of people he sees For example, he refers people as sheep’s and followers. The author incorporates the use of animals and clothing as symbols in ways to characterize the town and people throughout the course of the story. Sheep’s are described as close group animals that do the same routines and don’t have a mind of their own. This symbolizes how the people in this town are not risk-takers...
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...Anthony Poindexter 3/12/13 Mr.Kuntz Social Problems 110 Media Analysis Project. As we sit down and watch the television we see that the most popular shows and cartoons that we mainly watch consist of different types of stereotypes. Not knowing what the media's subliminal message is at this moment, it plays a key role into what our children are taking in with everything they watch and how what they view as a child effects how they see other people. Heiner discusses this in his book that social problems and critical construction-ism affect the way we live today and in the future. There are three TV shows that i have watched and carefully analyzed that show how the media today, has twisted the way we see Television. Not even really knowing that what we are watching is a Guinea-pig instrument that the government uses to make us see how they want everyday life to be. For example these are some of the shows that use stereotypes in every episode to trick us and to make us desire to be like them just because of their gender, race or class. The Cartoon "Hey Arnold" was created by Craig Bartlett and was diversely a stereotypical show that was basically showing people how middle class/poor kids in the ghetto lived and told the adventures they had together. The main Character in this cartoon was a little scrawny low class white kid named Arnold. Arnold is well respected around the city that he lives in just because of his humble and well-mannered nature. He is a quiet kid that has...
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...Starting a Business Online, Part 1 In today’s world of online companies trying to find a unique way to out produce, out resource and outperform competition. It’s going to require the right product and of course the correct approach and research in order to be successful. Identifying the advantages and disadvantages of taking your small business online by performing a SWOT analysis. While conducting a SWOT analysis of my clothing store along the Jersey Shore boardwalk, I determined what my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats could potentially be. My research has indicated that my Strength’s would be my customer service skills, flexibility in my direction and focus, experience in the clothing industry and being able to provide a good value to customers. Weaknesses would be my competition, lack of reputation to gain customer response and potential cash flow. Within the opportunities category, I determined that the weak economy in some regard would be a benefit to apply for government grants and SBA loans to help with my overall business intent. My competition may be slow to adopt new technologies; giving my business the opportunity to excel. The threats that may be a concern are also a weak economy. The developments in technology could change the clothing market beyond our ability to adapt and larger competitors could destroy our chances in the clothing industry. The advantages that I anticipate would be the ability to run my business from virtually anywhere...
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...itself, but always in relation to its surroundings, the sequences of events leading up to it, the memory of past experiences . . . Every citizen has had long associations with some part of his city, and his image is soaked in memories and meanings . . . “ g g Theory of Kevin L h K i Lynch IMAGE OF THE CITY KEVIN LYNCH Image of the city 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Image of the Environment Three cities The city Image and Its elements City Form A new Scale Book contents Appendices 1. 1 Some references to orientation 2. The Use of the methodology 3. Two examples of analysis IMAGE OF THE CITY KEVIN LYNCH Methodology of working: Make visual plan Analyze the existing form and public image of the area. Understand the critical problems, opportunities and image elements and use them in designing a city . Structure of the book th b k To explain that he takes three cities Boston, New jersey, Los Angeles as examples and tries to introduce a system in which one can derive design guidelines. IMAGE OF THE CITY KEVIN LYNCH The Image of the Environment He says “Every citizen has had long associations with some part of the says, Every city, and his image is soaked...
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...When Manufacturing Moves Back: Concepts and Questions Luciano Fratocchi1, Carmela Di Mauro2, Paolo Barbieri3, Guido Nassimbeni4, Andrea Zanoni5 1 Department of Industrial & Information Engineering & Economics, University of L’Aquila Via G. Gronchi 18, Nucleo Industriale Pile, L’AQUILA AQ ITALY luciano.fratocchi@univaq.it +39-0862-434356 CORRESPONDING AUTHOR 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Catania Via A. Doria 5, 95131 CATANIA CT ITALY cdimauro@unict.it 3 Department of Management, University of Bologna Via U. Terracini 28, 40131 BOLOGNA BO ITALY p.barbieri@unibo.it 4 Department of Electric, Managerial and Mechanical Engineering, Via Delle Scienze, 206, 33100 UDINE UD ITALY nassimbeni@uniud.it 5 Department of Management, University of Bologna Via U. Terracini 28, 40131 BOLOGNA BO ITALY andrea.zanoni@unibo.it ABSTRACT Interest in back-reshoring strategies – intended as companies’ decisions to reverse previous off-shoring by bringing manufacturing back home – has gained momentum recently. However, little is known so far about the magnitude of this phenomenon, about its geographical boundaries, and about the underlying motivations. In this paper a characterization of back-shoring as part of the dynamics of firms’ internationalization strategies is offered. Next, building on emerging empirical evidence, open questions are identified and an agenda for research is proposed. KEYWORDS Reshoring Back-reshoring Near-reshoring Off-shoring Internationalization...
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...BPO – A SWOT Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract BPO is one of the popular business practices in today's competitive environment. India has enormous opportunities emerging from globalization and consequent lowering of tariff barriers. The Indian BPO industry is constantly growing. However, along with the Phenomena Increase in BPO to India there has been a backlash against outsourcing. Information Technology has given India formidable brand equity in the global markets. Indian BPO companies have a unique distinction of providing efficient business solutions with cost and quality as an advantage by using state of art technology. This article explains overview of BPO industry in India comparative strength, weakness, opportunities and thread Indian BPO industry. Introduction India has enormous opportunities emerging from globalization and consequent lowering of tariff barriers. Information Technology has given India formidable brand equity in the global markets. Indian BPO companies have a unique distinction of providing efficient business solutions with cost and quality as an advantage by using state of art technology. Through joint efforts of Government and the Industry, software development and IT enabled services have emerged as niche opportunities for India in the global context. The Government has been making continuous efforts to make India a front-runner...
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...Introduction to Literature Critical Analysis of Fiction paper The Intangibles they carried Every person has items one needs to carry but they are incomparable to that of a soldier. Tim O’Brien emphasizes this in his short story, “The Things They Carried” as he takes on the narrative role explaining what he observed of the soldiers he once fought alongside. Chronicling both the intensities and tragedies of war he tells the stories of fellow soldiers and reveals truths of war at the same time. In precise detail and intentional metaphorical language O’Brien describes what it is that each soldier carries and how that relates to them as an individual. While some are intangible, such as guilt and fear, others are specific physical objects, including matches and morphine. Simultaneously, he frames the struggles not only of each man but of the war in general and the shame and emotion involved. It is what he does not directly say but rather implies with his descriptions of each soldier that bring the deeper message to the surface. The detail and element of characterization Tim O’Brien uses to describe each soldier in “The things they carried” reveals the deeper meaning that the emotional baggage each soldier carries with them weighs upon them more heavily than the physical items, essentially interfering with their duties of war. Jimmy Cross, the main character O’Brien highlights, appears to carry the most emotional baggage with him as the story opens explaining how he carries...
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...I am studying bachelor of Accounting in Australia. Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) was an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" (now Edison, New Jersey) by a newspaper reporter, he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large-scale teamwork to the process of invention, and because of that, he is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory.[1] Edison is the fourth most prolific inventor in history, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to mass communication and, in particular, telecommunications. These included a stock ticker, a mechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures. His advanced work in these fields was an outgrowth of his early career as a telegraph operator. Edison originated the concept and implementation of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses, and factories – a crucial development in the modern industrialized world. His first power station was on Manhattan Island, New York. Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, and grew up in Port Huron, Michigan...
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...Strategic Management O’Neill’s Sports Teresa Mc Guire; L00063943 Samuel Greene; L00092056 Rachael Colhoun; L00086911 Table of Contents No. | Index | Page Number | 1 | Table of Contents | 1 | 2 | Executive Summary | 2 | 3 | Introduction to Company | 3 | 4 | Michael Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis | 4 | 5 | P.E.S.T Analysis | 7 | 6 | VRIN Strategic Capabilities | 9 | 7 | The Value Chain | 12 | 8 | Critical Evaluation Of Strategy | 16 | 9 | Recommendations | 18 | 10 | Bibliography | 20 | 11 | Appendices | 21 | | | | Executive Summary Having received the brief for this C A our team arranged an initial meeting to discuss a number of ideas and issues. We had to choose which organisation to focus on, what was to be done individually and as a team and how and when to meet, correlate and progress. We all agreed that our focus was to be on the LYIT. We were attending the institute and had a handle on the culture, had access to information and knowledgeable people. Quite soon afterwards we ran into some problems when we started conducting internal (Value Chain & VRIN) and external (5 Forces & P.E.S.T) analysis. The nature of the business of the institute was in complete contrast to that of any organisation we had studied previously in that it was operating in the Public sector, was primarily focussed on the provision of services and not on profit maximisation and had no tangible end-product for sale. We couldn’t agree...
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...Academic Report on Strategic Management by Diana Romanova 100878 Strategy & Communication EHM3.SC-02 December 10, 2012 Abstract The purpose of the report is to discuss the current strategy of the Carnival Corporation, the world leader in the cruise industry. Based on the external and internal situation analysis the new growth strategy is formulated. The recommendations on the strategy implementation and evaluation are provided by terms of the various strategic theories and models. The projected internationalization strategy may result in the improvement of the financial business situation, by increasing the corporation’s profit margins and shareholder value, and non-financial indicators, for example, brand awareness. Moreover the company can adapt the proposed scenario for entering new markets in the future. 2|Page Table of Contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4 Situation Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 5 Strategic Direction ..................................................................................................................... 6 Formulating a strategy ..............................................
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...[pic] Organisational Change Management in Stanley Works Introduction The change process of management in an organisation is not an easy task to implement and execute; especially, if the employee’s are already immune to the company’s existing organisational culture, practices, policies and standards. Waddell/Cummings & Worley (2011) cited in Lewin’s Change Process (2001) suggested that an evolutionary three phase theory would motivate people and cultivate newly acquired patterns of behaviour (Waddell/Cummings & Worley 2011). In addition, if the organisation is operating in diverse locations globally - the transition of change ideology to a state of equilibrium will be compounding. In this connection, the incumbent paper will discuss change of management implemented in Stanley Works Business Structure. The document will also contrast types of change adopted by Stanley works Australia (Andrews et al 2011 (p.1-7). representative of maintaining global competiveness and sustainability. The parent entity perspective will be highlighted and criticised as academic discussion to determine a structured adaptation of the four major components of the organisation; people, process, structure and technology utilised during transition. To improve the company’s ‘strength through structure’ the company’s performance would benefit from investing in collective intelligence, capability, competence and values, and in particular the adoption of a better marketing approach and methodologies...
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...Product Launch Plan MKT 571 February 25, 2013 Meraj Khan Product Launch Plan General Electric (GE) is building the world by providing capital, expertise, and infrastructure for a global economy (G.E., 2013). The corporation is preparing for the launch of the Smart Helmet in Japan and Hong Kong markets, respectively. The Smart Helmet offers improved safety and modern technological capabilities through Bluetooth synchronization and Global Positioning System (GPS) with a heads-up visor display. This paper considers components of the product launch plan for Japan’s domestic market and Hong Kong’s international market. The plan includes a description of the product and positioning, targeting, market needs and growth, SWOTT analysis, the competition, objectives and strategy, pricing and financial information, communication plan, distribution strategy, and market research for the plan. GE anticipates the detailed plan will result in a successful product launch. Product Description The Smart Helmet is designed primarily as a protective covering for the head of any cyclist who desires a full-face helmet. As a product of innovative thought, the Smart Helmet increases safety and convenience by offering a standard voice-activated global positioning system and Bluetooth synchronization with a heads-up projection at forward sky-level. Such features allow the rider to enjoy an uninterrupted journey with music, verbal companionship, and navigation without taking his or her eyes off...
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...Product Launch Plan General Electric (GE) is building the world by providing capital, expertise, and infrastructure for a global economy (G.E., 2013). The corporation is preparing for the launch of the Smart Helmet in Japan and Hong Kong markets, respectively. The Smart Helmet offers improved safety and modern technological capabilities through Bluetooth synchronization and Global Positioning System (GPS) with a heads-up visor display. This paper considers components of the product launch plan for Japan’s domestic market and Hong Kong’s international market. The plan includes a description of the product and positioning, targeting, market needs and growth, SWOTT analysis, the competition, objectives and strategy, pricing and financial information, communication plan, distribution strategy, and market research for the plan. GE anticipates the detailed plan will result in a successful product launch. Product Description The Smart Helmet is designed primarily as a protective covering for the head of any cyclist who desires a full-face helmet. As a product of innovative thought, the Smart Helmet increases safety and convenience by offering a standard voice-activated global positioning system and Bluetooth synchronization with a heads-up projection at forward sky-level. Such features allow the rider to enjoy an uninterrupted journey with music, verbal companionship, and navigation without taking his or her eyes off the road. GE’s new product is differentiated from competitors...
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...JBPP Inventory Management Inventory Management and Its Effects on Customer Satisfaction Scott Grant Eckert1 Abstract This study examines inventory management and the role it plays in improving customer satisfaction. It looks at how food companies have been under pressure to streamline their inventory systems, and the consequences of such actions. It also examines how many retailers are trying to implement a “perfect order” system and how suppliers are constantly under pressure to meet the demands of these retailers. Many food companies are, therefore, looking at various inventory management systems as they belief this will have a positive effect on the satisfaction of their customers. The paper also outlines the methodology used in the research and concludes by pointing out the limitations of the research as well as suggestions for further research. Keywords: Inventory Management; Customer Satisfaction; Grocery Companies Introduction Many food companies have been under pressure to streamline their supply chain, minimize large inventories, and cut holding cost on inventory. In the past, inventory management has focused on not running out of finished goods. This caused manufacturers to stockpile large amounts of raw materials, work in process, and finished goods. The extra finished goods would be to protect them from going out of stock. There are different costs associated with 1 Scott Grant Eckert is currently studying for a doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) at the...
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...A Study of Shell Oil and its Stakeholders in Nigeria Part 1 (Week Six) A Review of Basic Issues Regarding the Background and Interests of Stakeholders of Shell Oil Company in Nigeria Chapter 1 Introduction The complexity of understanding the Shell Nigeria oil spill and applying critical analysis and leadership theories to the problem is a challenging debate. A reader would tend to assume that Shell is at fault and should take all the blame for this corporate and ecological mess. Therefore, the introduction needs to provide the reader with sufficient historical information and background of stakeholders such as Royal Dutch Shell Company, Nigeria (country), Niger Delta (province of Nigeria) and its directly affected tribal communities of the oil spill. The introduction is thorough as to avoid explaining in other key elements of this research paper. The Royal Dutch Shell was ranked No1 as the largest organisation in the world in 2012 by Global 500. Shell has boosted its first quarter earnings of 2012 by 11% compared to that of 2011. Shells long term projects that have just commenced creating; a gas to liquids plant in Qatar and further projects in Canadian oil sands, have in part contributed to these revenues. Royal Dutch Shell has 87000 employees globally (Global 500, 2012) The first Shell Company in Nigeria was started in 1936 by The Royal Dutch/Shell Group. The Royal Dutch/Shell Group then founded Shell D’Arcy. Two years later in November 1928...
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