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Jimmy Cross Setting

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Andrew Hunt Professor Mangano ENGL 1202 22 April 2024 The Effectiveness of Setting in “The Things They Carried” “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien uses vivid storytelling to explain the weight soldiers carry with them in war, from physical to emotional. O’Brien introduces the reader to Jimmy Cross, a soldier serving in the Vietnam War. Experiencing war, Cross endures a multitude of emotions and a lack thereof. The author uses different settings within the story to develop a better explanation of the physical components soldiers are faced with in war. Despite the challenges that arise due to the physical landscape, the psychological burdens are just as influential on a soldier’s identity. The setting of Jimmy Cross’ imagination, the jumbo …show more content…
However, the feeling of gratitude that comes with being alive also comes with guilt. Kiowa witnessed the sadness of the members of his fleet after losing a fellow soldier, yet he was selfishly enjoying “the pleasure of having his boots off” and “the plush comfort of night.” (O’Brien, pg. 633). The. As a soldier, it is important to be grateful for every aspect that allows. This is likely a coping mechanism Kiowa uses to get by, but he knows in this moment it is selfish to find joy in the night, rather than feeling grief for his fellow soldier. The place Kiowa sleeps is a place where he finds comfort, but in finding comfort he faces the moral dilemma of whether his priorities have been wronged by war. When Jimmy Cross begins to experience the emotional effects of his acquaintance Ted Lavender being shot, he enters a depressed and slightly psychotic state. In this scene of the story, Cross begins to viscously dig his foxhole out of anger. While pondering the death of his friend and the woman of his dreams, Martha, he begins to enter a deep depression. At the bottom of his hole, he sat with tears pouring out of his eyes, all while his mind cycled through the surplus of his worries. “He sat at the bottom of his foxhole and …show more content…
633). The. His overthinking and anxiousness in the statement “She did not love him and never would” shows how his hole in this moment is his sanctuary of resentment, bringing out his deepest and darkest thoughts. The setting of this event represents the deep and depressing state that Cross has entered through the great hole he sat in. His being below the surface symbolizes his state of mind being drilled into the ground. Without the implementation of this setting, his sadness and rage would not come across as substantial, overall making the severity of the mental struggles in the soldiers more visible. In “The Things They Carried”, Tim O’Brien uses multiple changes in setting to further reflect deeper meanings to the themes throughout the chapter. O’Brien uses various settings including Jimmy Cross’s imagination representing an escape, the jumbo jet standing as a symbol of freedom, the reflective hours before slumber, and the bottom of the foxhole, while experiencing rock bottom

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