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George S. Patton Research Paper

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General George S. Patton Jr. was born on November 11, 1885, into a military family in San Gabriel, California. He attended the Virginia Military Institute and later graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1909. Patton quickly rose through the ranks of the United States Army, demonstrating exceptional leadership and tactical skills.Patton led the American Seventh Army in the Mediterranean theater of World War II and later the Third Army in France and Germany. As a tank commander in World War I, Patton was honored for his valor and audacity on the front lines, Over his time in the military, General George S. Patton Jr. received numerous types of decorations and honors. His honors include the Purple Heart for battle …show more content…
Patton's outspoken and controversial nature often led to conflicts with his superiors and peers.Most people agree that one of the most popular and successful military leaders in American history is General George S. Patton Jr. His leadership in the Second World War had a major effect on military strategy, tactics, and leadership techniques. This paper examines the traits that made General Patton a great leader, focusing on his charisma, tactical knowledge, strategic vision, and constant drive for achievement. Compared to his peers, General Patton had a special combination of leadership attributes. Because of his strategic thinking, he was able to create bold and creative strategies that often worked when others saw only barriers. With his ability to outsmart and outthink his opponents on the battlefield, Patton demonstrated his tactical skills and won some of the most difficult campaigns of World War II. Being willing to take the lead was one of Patton's most renowned leadership qualities. He put himself in danger frequently, experiencing the same risks and hardships as his

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