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Joan Didion Analysis

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Joan Didion was born December 5, 1934 and is an American author best known for her novels as well as her literary journalism. Coencidingly analyzing on of her particular pieces "' Joan Didion is known to some as just a simple neurotic writer from California, in this analysis I will prove that Joan is not an obsessive self centered individual she uses her life situations to view perspectives from "self" rather than what society has taught us.The selected pieces of her essays and articles published at that time, and examines the themes of the , White picket American dream ,Celebrity, and the chaos of the Sixties in general. "The White Album" studies American culture in the 60's, she journalizes numerous locations, events and personalities that she meets.

I find her journalism to be particularly interesting bringing me to an even deeper analyzation of my very own surroundings and how the different time areas I've seen induct different emotions, life lessons, and generational habits. Joan's literary devices are amazing her imagery " This house on Franklin avenue was rented, and paint peeled inside and out, and pipes broke …show more content…
With her life lessons her believing that everyones doomed to fail makes since in a shark city like Los Angeles, but Hollywood which was her area is more of a circus area. Joan went through out her text giving good descriptions for scene setting , whether it be a relaxing setting all the way to giving her audience the very scene of her run in with Charles Manson which had a very ire feel to it. She goes from one scene to the next trying to stay intact with reality, after every chapter she would ask her self what was it for, and was it a historical event that she should

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