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Job Experience


Submitted By parillon1
Words 470
Pages 2
I don’t really have many job experiences, so therefore I can’t think of any experiences where I have felt excluded based on demographic status. An experience that comes to mind of feeling excluded is the comparison of my socioeconomic status to my brothers. It has been evident that many things have come easier for them than for me. I often feel that I have to work a lot harder for things. Since I am the youngest, I feel as if they have set the bar high, which I hold myself accountable for reaching. I feel that my parents also hold me accountable as well, even though each of us are different in one way or another. Research has shown that, “Sometimes, second or third children feel inadequate by comparison to a first sibling and thus search for different areas of expertise. Parents also fear that the second or third child may not be as skilled as the first child” (Rimm, 2010). My brothers have held high GPA’s throughout high school and college. I tended to have a GPA that varied from semester to semester. In addition, both of my brothers got employed as soon as they got there college degree and I am still looking for a job and continue to question what I really want to do. One of my brothers is an accountant, and the other one is an engineer. This often makes me feel pressured to become as successful as they are.
When thinking of a time when I might have or deliberately or accidentally made someone feel excluded or targeted, the experience with one of my friends and his relationship comes to mind. All of my close friends are in a group text where we tend to make jokes and make plans. One my friends happens to have a girlfriend that none of our friends like for many reasons that I will not explain, but he continues to stay with her. To make a long story short, we often joke around about her within the group text, and one day she happened to have his phone. In addition, we found out that he shows her all the text messages we send. All my friends, than agreed to remove this friend from the group chat and barely include him in events we plan anymore for various reasons (not only because of this experience). My immediate feeling was a feeling of embarrassment at the time, but I also felt a lack of trust between our friendship. My friends and I definitely could have handled it differently. I’m sure he felt excluded from the group and I assume his girlfriend was very upset as well.

Rimm, S. (2010).The Effects of Sibling Competition. Educational Assessment Service Inc. Family Achieve Clinic. Retrieved from

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