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John Calvin's Inherited Corruption

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Reading through how Calvin looked at the different aspects of the Fall, has deepened my knowledge, but also arose few additional questions that I am wrestling with. I would like to bring in few historical evidences from Calvin’s area to further discuss my understanding; however, I fell the necessity of referencing the Scripture as Calvin explains his points by looking at the Scripture. Furthermore, throughout my response I will mainly focus on the issue of inherited corruption that we believers often tend to struggle with. Calvin opens the chapter by describing the we are dependent on God, and there is nothing worthy in us unless it is from God. He also highlights the importance of that God has fashioned us in his image, therefore, we are …show more content…
It is the ultimate sin that we suffer from the result of the Fall. The Bible says that, “therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” (Romans 15:12, NIV). God created the world holy and pure; however, we humans corrupted this perfect place and brought sin into this world. The book of Genesis explains the consequences that happened because of Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit. Calvin points out to us that the Scripture clearly explains that we are all sinful from birth, this is what the inherited corruption is about. Also, Paul in the Romans states that “For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous” (Romans 15:19, NIV). Calvin highlights that the inherited corruption is not from God, it is the result of the first sin by Adam and Eve. He referenced Paul when he talked about that the work of flesh is sin; Calvin also draws the reader’s attention to the fact that sin occupies our minds and hearts at the same time. Therefore, this inherited corruption is like a disease that is passed down from generations to generations among the people. This leaves me with one major questions that my church often tried to discuss, which I am still not entirely sure about: Then what happens to unborn babies? How about new born babies, or children who die at an early age? I have heard many different answers, as one of them being that God will judge them; however, I have not yet come to understand how this

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