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Ulrich Zwingli: Protestant Reformation

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Ulrich Zwingli was born on January 1, 1484, in Switzerland, and died on October 11, 1531, in Switzerland. Zwingli was an important person in the Protestant Reformation in Switzerland. He was the father of the Reformation in Switzerland, and he was overshadowed by Martin Luther. The only reformer that his reformation was not involved in the church. Zwingli father was a free peasant who was a village magistrate, his mother was the sister of the abbot of Fischingen in Thurgau, and his uncle was a priest of Wildhaus and then a dean of Wesen. Zwingli went to school at Wesen, in 1494 he moved to Basel, and he moved to Bern in 1496. Zwingli moved again to the University of Vienna in 1498, and then he moved back to Basel in 1502, where he graduated

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