Premium Essay

Analyzing Faden's Copyright Act

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Pages 3
Copyright law gives copyright holders certain exclusive rights, for a limited time, as an incentive to create works for the enrichment of society as a whole. In exchange for what is a limited monopoly, the law expects that intellectual property creators will enrich society by contributing to the growth of science, education and the arts. The Copyright Act gives copyright holders an exclusive right to reproduce works for a limited period of time. Fair use is a limitation on this right. Fair use allows someone other than the copyright holder to copy some or all of a work even if the copyright holder has not gave permission. These following reasons are why Faden's movie was not copyright infringement. The overall purpose and character of the use …show more content…
The amount of the works Faden used where very little movie clips using the audio to narrate his point on fair use and how to use it. With that Faden had no impact on Disney's movie value or impact their business in any way. Fair use is never certain it is all determined by a judge's point of view or opinion on a matter. Faden's work being a parody it falls under what is considered fair use but with fair use being so relaxed it's hard to determine if Faden's parody is actually fair use. Even though Faden's work is a parody it uses short clips from Disney movies that Disney feels as if he used their material in a infringing way. Fair use being the restriction on monopolies owning all rights to works. Even though Disney disagrees that Faden's work was fair use it still can be by falling under fair use and it's broad description of what is not copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is the use of works protected by copyright law without permission, infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative …show more content…
Faden used the movie clips to create a educational work in which was his own derivative work. His work being constructed from these movie clips to create a mashup to describe fair use and how to use, obtain, and know how to use it. Even though faden showed his sources Disney felt that wasn't adequate for him using their works. They felt that Faden was stealing from them even though he created a derivative work and used it for education purposes in which in most cases fall under the protection in court of the fair use doctrine. The fair use doctrine is a law of the United States that permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to first acquire permission from the copyright holder. Faden derivative work of Fair(y) Use Tale if it was to be taken into trail would and should be considered under the fair use doctrine in which Faden's work is not a infringement on Disney's movies but instead his own work in which he can do as he

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