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Ed Biederman Research Paper

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As part of a national movement many dog parents are walking their pets to work today. Did you know that Alaskan Musher and renowned dog sled mail carrier Ed Biederman (pictured below with his wife, Bella) did that and more for 40 years in Alaska? And let us tell was no simple walk to work for him! Biederman, a 13-year-old Bohemian immigrant, settled in the United States in 1874 as the Yukon Gold Rush in Nome, Alaska was just heating up. At that same time, approximately 100,000 hopeful miners flooded the steep and dangerous land. Unlike their native Alaskan neighbors, the new gold rush prospectors were literate and insisted on regular mail so they could stay in touch with their family, friends and business partners back home. It was then that "On Time Delivery" was born! …show more content…
They also were required to maintain the trails along the way. A daily "walk to work" for Ed and his boys consisted of a six-day trek (one way) over 160 miles along treacherous Yukon trails. Their 13 winter trips consisted of a reliable team of malamute and husky dogs each weighing in at 75-100 pounds, hand-made sleds of hickory, iron, moose hide and cotton and a musher made up of courage, strength and incredible fortitude! With Ed paving the way, the Biederman crew loaded more than 500 pounds of mail on a single sled ommitting tents and extra blankets and keeping their personal food supply low. They knew a friendly mail recipient would offer a warm meal and a safe place to sleep on the one day of rest that was built into their trip. The Biederman family also served as an unofficial dog foster/rescue group. During the summer months when the mail was delivered by steamboat, the Biederman's boarded up to 60 dogs (pictured below) for miners and trappers who did not want to care for

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