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Can Lucid Dreaming Change Your Life?

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Humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping. This means for thousands and thousands of hours people are away from the world of consciousness. But what if you go to bed each night and have complete control over your dreams? Most lucid dreamers are architects of their dream, where they can star and direct their dreams. So what is lucid dreaming? How can lucid dreaming change your life?
Lucid dream is a dream where you are aware that you are dreaming. Once you are aware of your state, you start controlling the course of your dream. For several centuries, lucid dreaming is an accepted practice of the Buddhist culture. It is only recently that science and western culture has recognized this practice. Studies by neuropsychologists Martin Dresler and Ursula Voss have shown that brain activity during lucid dreaming is similar to Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. However, it is distinct from being awake or non-lucid state, which suggests that something unique and different is going on. …show more content…
Even though lucid dreaming is a spontaneous activity, you can control it with a bit of practice. Having is a lucid dream is not difficult if you know the mechanisms you should use. Studies have shown that most people have at least one lucid dream in their life. If you want to have lucid dream on demand, you must know how to recognize your dream state. There are several techniques you can use to improve your recognition skills. Some important techniques are:
Reality Checks
Awareness of our surrounding in waking life will help you recognize your dream state. When you are aware of your surroundings, you can easily differentiate dreams from reality.
You can use meditation to focus your mind in the dream world on objects that don't appear real. Meditation also increases your control over lucid

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