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Teamwork Turmoil

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Case Study 1: Teamwork Turmoil
Problem Identification
The learning team involved with this case study did not operate successfully as a team. The group did not share mutual accountability of the work to be completed, and did not effectively work through conflict as a team. Furthermore, the group did not respect one another or collaborate well. The lack of respect, shared responsibility, and poor conflict resolution inhibited team success.

Alternative analysis of concerns, facts, & proposed solutions: While the group had diverse backgrounds, the participants were all around the same age. The group had varied educational backgrounds and work experience, and had one woman amongst the team. The group was also composed of individuals with different ethnic backgrounds. The group may have had more team success had they included diverse age backgrounds. A recent study published in the article The Implications of Age Diversity in Multicultural Team Working by Sue Shortland illustrates differences within teams and their benefits noted the teams involved with the study indicated age diversity was mostly viewed in a positive …show more content…
The team assigner should also ensure at least some of the team members have an already formed established working relationship to ensure the team is inclusive of heritage relationships. Once formed, the team will need to ensure each participant understands the scope of the project and discusses each others role and commitments amongst the team. The group will need to structure how they plan to measure team accountability and discuss pain points as needed to resolve and work through conflict. The team should further discuss team conduct standards such as courtesy, respect, and open communication. In closing, ensuring the team understands that conflict may happen, and agreeing to work together to resolve it may have reduced some of the barriers the group

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