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Sociological Change

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Introduction This paper will be discussing the several advantages and disadvantages to sociological change. It will cover how sociology helps people grow, if culture helps or hurts a society, and how Karl Marx influenced our understanding of sociology. Specifically, the social conflict theory will be referenced. Finally, we will talk about whether or not mass media helps the influence of culture and sociological thinking, and how one begins to understand their own social construction.
How does sociology help individuals grow as people? It teaches us that we are all individuals and we are all different, and that we need to be respectful of everybody regardless of color, gender, religion, and culture. If you know more about human behavior, you can become good at recognizing lies, hand gestures, and body language that gives away emotions or feelings (Tennessee State University, 2015). Learning about Durkheim, Marx, Weber, and even Charles Darwin teaches a lot about humans and how we have come to understand one another. People hang around in groups, which can evolve into assimilation, believing the group to be one entity. If you happen to not be a part of that group, you are an outcast. Internalization is taking social norms, roles, standards, and values and injecting them into your own mind (Persell, 1990). Society is deemed …show more content…
Money, citizenship, and newspapers are all examples that would not exist without social construction (Boghossian, 2002). None of the previous examples could exist without society. Social construction revolves around two main points, one being that humans rationalize their experiences by recognizing how the social world functions, the second being that language is the most important system through which we construct reality. One major point of social construction is to uncover the methods in which people and groups participate in their perceived social reality (Boghossian,

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