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Chernobyl 31 Research Paper

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Chernobyl 31 Years after Nuclear Disaster
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on 26 April 1986. It was the largest nuclear catastrophe ever. The explosion took place in the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located only 120 kilometers from the capital of Ukraine - Kiev, near the border with Belarus.
However, today 31 years after the Chernobyl accident, we can see the serious consequences that have left on the economy, health and the environment, in the 3 countries involved Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Although the country most affected has been Ukraine, the other two continue to struggle with the consequences left by the radioactive clouds that reached its territory and contaminated everything they touched …show more content…
The cases of thyroid cancer were increased in children, from 9 cases a year to more than 440 in the same period, and over the years and reach 4,000. This as a product that continued to consume milk from cows that was fed with contaminated pastures. The cases of leukemia, cancer to the bladder and colon were also increased. Cardiac disorders, migraines, problems with the immune system, in the nervous and sensory organs, digestive, as well as disorders in the bones, muscles and connective tissues are other consequences of having been exposed to radiation directly or indirectly either for the consumption of fruits, vegetables, dairy products and contaminated meats. Additionally, many morphological mutations occurred in children born after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. All this has produced a syndrome within the female population who feel that they will give birth to diseased babies with no future, just as the displaced have produced psychological effects of anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses. Although all this is expected to improve in future generations, it is not really known how far the populations of these three countries have affected health in the area of …show more content…
All this has led to a slow development of the affected regions as well as to be affected the economies of these countries in the short, medium and long term. It is said that the Chernobyl nuclear accident also had a political cost within the USSR, accelerating its disintegration, with the consequent socio-economic problem that this produced within the countries of the Soviet bloc and its

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