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John Jeffreys Research Paper

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Dr. Alec John Jeffreys is a British geneticist who developed techniques for DNA fingerprinting and DNA profiling that are now used worldwide by investigators to bring justice to perpetrators as well as to resolve paternity and immigration disputes. Jeffreys was born into a middle-class family in Oxford, where he spent the first six years of his life until 1956, when the family moved to Luton, Bedfordshire. He attributes his curiosity and inventiveness to having been gained from his father, as well as his paternal grandfather, who held ma ny patents. When he was eight, his father gave him a chemistry set, which he enhanced over the next few years with extra chemicals, even including a small bottle of Sulphuric acid. He says he liked making small explosions, but an accidental splash of the sulphuric acid caused a burn, which left a permanent scar on his chin (now under his beard). His father also bought him a …show more content…
But the investigative potential of the technique was rapidly recognized and embraced by police forces around the globe. Over the last 30 years, according to some estimates, more than 50 million people have had their DNA tested during criminal investigations. These new methods that have spread worldwide have put many criminals behind bars and have been used also to prevent gross miscarriages of justice.
DNA profiling, based on typing individual highly variable nanosatellites in the human genome, was also developed by Alec Jeffreys and his team with the term (DNA fingerprinting) being retained for the initial test that types many nanosatellites simultaneously. By focusing on just a few of these highly variable nanosatellites, DNA profiling made the system more sensitive, more reproducible and amenable to computer

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