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John Proctor's Morals In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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“Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies!” When Arthur Miller wrote this line in his book the Crucible a lot of emotion was felt and implied. In the religious town of Salem in 1692, a horrific incident occurs as neighbor turns on neighbor, and as the fear of witches grows. Many people realize that this is an opportunity to fulfill their greed and seek revenge on those they hate. The low moral value of most Salem residents becomes obvious as the story continues, but there are a few people who have strong morals and they are made known as they face the challenges of a falling community.
As John Proctor tears up the document that will save his life, it seems obvious that he stands up for his morals. John Proctor is constantly haunted by his past sins with Abigail Williams, and does not feel forgiven until the end of the story when he talks with his wife before his death. John goes to court to save his wife but is accused of witchcraft, placed in a prison, and given the choice to hang or confess. He originally confesses but, when told his confession will be posted on the church, tears it in half. He does this because he finally feels forgiven of his sins with Abigail, and he knows that if he confesses his name …show more content…
He comes to Salem to see if there is, in fact, a witch problem. He believes that the city needs saving, but his thoughts and feelings change. When the mass accusations start, he knows that he has made a mistake and that there are innocent people being hung and accused. He thinks that because he was the one to announce that there was witchcraft in Salem the blood and lives of innocent people are on his hands. He tries to stop the madness and storms out of the court when John is arrested and discovers that Abigail is a fake. He tries to persuade the prisoners, such as John and Rebecca, to confess so they can be saved but many

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