... When the Jamestown colony first formed, citizens had to endure many sacrifices and hardships. From losses to starvation and shortage of supplies, the people of Jamestown had to suffer through a series of crisis. If I had planned the Jamestown colony I would have sent farmers, craftsmen, doctors, and interpretors that could speak the Native American language, a seperate ship full of supplies and established a democracy. By sending people who are specialized in certain skills like farming, handywork, medicine, and interpretation it would increase the colony's chance for survival with with less casualties. One of the problems Jamestown faced was the lack of experience in farming, which led to failed crops. By hiring farmers this would have increased their chance in survival by establishing a steady source of food through produce. Craftsmen would provide sturdy housing for remaining citizens, instead of flimsy a shelter, and doctors would treat infections, wounds, and possibly help find treatments to foregin disease they eventually faced in the future. At that time even the smallest signs of abrasion would have led to infection that would have eventually led to fatality. Even though those three occupations would have been beneficial to the colony in the 1600s, it would have been useless without an interpretor who could communitcate with the original owners of the land. Interpretors could have relieved most of the closely fatal sitiuations the colony faced without farmers...
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...John Smith: Description of Virginia As English expeditions discovered the New World, they established the first English settlement called Jamestown, the colony of Virginia. John Smith was a soldier and one of the first settlers in the Americas. Today, stories about him are a legend such as the one in which Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan, saved his life. John Smith wrote the “Description of Virginia” and it refers to the colony of Virginia, which he helped to colonized. The document begins with John Smith explaining how the New World was convenient in order to begin a civilization. According to him, Virginia had beneficial geography: the soil in was fertile, the waters and islands were ideal for ships and transportation, the climate...
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...Jessica Helin Paper 1 U.S. History 1 GEN223 John Smith vs. John Winthrop In the early years of America, there was a great deal of political and religious turmoil occurring in England. People wanted to escape to a place where they wouldn't be outlawed for their independent congregations and personal philosophies that they believed in. Eminent men, like John Smith and John Winthrop, saw America as a great opportunity to start over where they could establish new communities separated and undisturbed by England. They each wrote a proposal to the people of England to recruit them to come and help establish colonies in the New World. Both of these men had very different visions of what America was and what they wanted it to become upon their arrivals. Smith believed in the importance of hardworking to achieve wealth and the option of becoming financially independent. While Winthrop was concerned with working for God and averting selfishness to form a community with a close bond. John Smith was an English adventurer and soldier well known for his many adventures to different lands. Smith saw the New World as a place for people to set out on a journey for economic success. In his mind, America had resources that were waiting to be discovered for both utilization and profit. In a Description of Virginia, Smith communicates that in the New World, there is a definitive likelihood for many successful business enterprises by saying, 'the fertility of the soil, and the situation...
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...Review Personal Information * Employee’s Name: John A Smith * Job Title: Parts Salesman * Job Description: Taking care of customers at the counter with finding parts on the computer that they need to get their equipment up and running again. Also, working with employees within the dealership and other dealerships as well. * Position Number: A52459 * Date of Interview: 10/1/14 Greetings * Voice tone * John Smith spoke enthusiastically. * His voice was very confident and easy to understand. * Handshake * John Smith had a firm, solid handshake. * Posture * John Smith’s posture was very poised. * He sat up straight that showed his confidence. * Appearance * John Smith’s wardrobe included a three piece suit. * He was wearing a tie. * He had facial hair. * Had a great smile. Strengths * John Smith had good terminology of the different parts that the company sells. * He was well organized. * John keeps his work area clean. * All papers were organized to find anything needed. * Leadership * John exhibited great leadership potential. * He set goals for his fellow employees, and they were all met. * Stress * John seemed very composed when handling stressful situations. * He remains calm, and follows procedures that the company states. * Oral Communication * John has a very confident voice. * His voice is...
Words: 503 - Pages: 3
...useful sentences for academic writing Argue a. Along similar lines, [X] argues that ___. b. There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that ___. c. As a rebuttal to this point, it might be (convincingly) argued that ___. d. There are [three] main arguments that can be advanced to support ___. e. The underlying argument in favor of / against [X] is that ___. f. [X]’s argument in favor of / against [Y] runs as follows: ___. Claim a. In this [paper], I put forward the claim that ___. b. [X] develops the claim that ___. c. There is ample / growing support for the claim that ___. d. [X]’s findings lend support to the claim that ___. e. Taking a middle-ground position, [X] claims that ___. Data a. The data gathered in the [pilot study] suggests / suggest that ___. b. The data appears / appear to suggest that ___. c. The data yielded by this [study] provides strong / convincing evidence that ___. (yielded = generated) d. A closer look at the data indicates that ___. e. The data generated by [X] is / are reported in [table 1]. f. The aim of this [section] is to generalize beyond the data and ___. In modern usage, data can also be treated as a mass / uncountable noun, like information. Before you submit your work, check whether the institution you’re writing for / on behalf of prefers data + plural verb. Debate a. [X] has fostered debate on ___. (fostered = encouraged) b. There has been an inconclusive debate about whether ___. c. The question of whether...
Words: 18316 - Pages: 74
...The English at Jamestown were unable to grow their own food because they never put enough effort into doing it. One of the reasons that the English didn’t put enough effort into growing their own food was because the Indians already had it. Edmund S. Morgan states, “And the very fact that the Indians did grow corn may be one more reason why the colonists did not.” Another reason that they didn’t put enough effort was that the company paying for their trips didn’t care about the agriculture as much as the gold and other expensive resources. “The company never intended the colony to supply England with grain and did not even expect that agricultural products might be its principal exports.” John Smith helped Jamestown survive because he forced...
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...NAS 364 FEDERAL INDIAN LAW FALL 2015 You have one week to finish this exam. It will be due by e-mail to marlon.sherman@humboldt.edu, no later than 5 PM on Wednesday, October 28. The exam will take the form of a legal memo, in which you brief me on the legal standing of our client, Joe Doe. I have provided some links to forms of legal memos that you might use, and there are other examples online. http://www.law.cuny.edu/legal-writing/students/memorandum/memorandum-3.html http://www.lawandborder.com/Academic/LW/LW--Samples/SampleMemoSTCL.pdf You will need to research the position of the individual whom you are representing. What are the positions regarding each party in this case – that is, The Corporation, John Smith and Joe Doe? To what extent do these individuals’ values reflect their positions toward the issue, toward the plaintiff, toward the tribe and toward the state? Would it make any difference whether this took place in a PL 280 or non-280 state? When you have determined the answers to these questions, begin your legal research and prepare to argue your case in court. You will need to analyze pertinent law as we have done in class, looking for facts, issues and analyses, just as the online memo templates suggest. When you mention a particular case, you must cite it using the following hint: Montana v. United States, 450 U.S. 544 (1981), 546. Remember, your boss is very lazy and hates research and has forgotten everything...
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...came for many different reasons, each of them had different, and different ways and thoughts of life. Each and every one of them were different but had no problem with risking there life for a new way of life within a new world. John Smith and William Bradford in many different ways were two different types of people. John Smith was an young gentleman adventurer from sibton, Suffolk. William Bradford expreesed himself as being an “pious” puritian, in which was said in his expressing of writing int the writing about “Of Plymouth Plantation.” The way that their differences and similaraties are, is based on there different point of views on the Indians, there was different styles that were expressed through there writings. The personalities of each writer John Smith and William Bradford are strong and is what the two live through. They are very different from each other but in may ways share the same similarties. John Smith and William Bradford both throughout their journeys encountered Indians of the new world. Upon encountering these Indians they handled how they reacted and how they felt about them very differently. John Smith saw the Indians as “savages” and as “barbarians as stated in the text of his writing. He describes them in an disdainful way. John...
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...Hunter Steadman English 201 Mrs Baggett September 24, 2014 An Analysis of John Smiths Performance leading the colonies John smith has had an immense impact on the colonies and the lasting history of soon the to be United States of America. Good, bad and sometimes both of these in conjunction. John smiths reputation has been, and will be immortalized in the birth of a new world, for both negative and positive reasons pertaining to his vision for the colonies, his personal troubles, and his leadership among the people. John smith had a clear vision for the colonies and what they could be. His vision consisted of hard, hard work and the notion that every Englishman could achieve the American dream through hard work. He had a vision of establishing a new social order where one could gain or attain personal honor. Unfortunately he had a rather “iron fisted” mindset and is said to have been a bit of a “slave driver” he was a military man who wanted to maintain order so he didn’t really fit the mold of creating this new social order....
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...Pageant states,” once ashore in Virginia, the settlers died by the dozens from disease, malnutrition and starvation. Ironically, the woods rustled with food and the rivers flopped with fish, but the greenhorn settlers, many of them self-styled ‘gentlemen’ unaccustomed to fending for themselves, wasted valuable time grubbing for nonexistent gold when they should have been gathering provisions” (pg29). This statement proves that the first settlers needed a strong leader to discipline them and turn their efforts from gold to the colony’s overall survival. Luckily, Captain John Smith took lead of the...
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...Facts: Betty Smith is suing John Doe for injuries she sustained while being driven in Doe’s vehicle. Billy Thief was driving the vehicle when Ms. Smith’s injuries occurred. Billy Thief came into possession of the vehicle after John Doe left his keys in his vehicle and went into a Quickie Mart. When John Doe left his vehicle he left the keys completely hidden from sight beneath a book on the front seat of the vehicle. While John Doe was in the Quickie Mart Billy thief stole his vehicle. When John Doe left the Quickie Mart he saw his vehicle was missing and immediately called the police to report it stolen. Sometime after stealing the vehicle, Billy Thief picked up his friend Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith entered the vehicle despite knowing that the vehicle was stolen. Shortly thereafter Billy Thief crashed the vehicle into a tree, resulting in the injuries sustained by Ms. Smith. The injuries included a broken arm and $10,000 in doctor’s bills. Ms. Smith alleges that John Doe is liable for her injuries based on section 1210(a) of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law. Question Presented: Is John Doe liable under the New York Vehicle and Traffic Code 1210(a) for Ms. Smith’s injuries arising from the accident involving John Doe’s vehicle? Short Answer: No. John Doe was not in violation of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Code section 1210(a) and therefore did not act negligently. Furthermore, Ms. Smith is not within the class of persons intended to be protected by the New York Vehicle...
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...John Doe is sometimes used to refer to a typical male in other contexts as well, in a similar manner to John Q. Public in the United States or Joe Public, John Smith or Joe Bloggs in Britain. For example, the first name listed on a form might be John Doe, along with a fictional address or other fictional information to provide an example of how to fill in the form. The name is also used frequently in US popular culture, for example in the Frank Capra film Meet John Doe. John Doe was also the name of a 2002 American television series. Similarly, a child or baby whose identity is unknown may be referred to as Baby Doe. A notorious murder case in Kansas City, Missouri, referred to the baby victim as Precious Doe.[3] Other unidentified female murder victims have also been nicknamed by the public or investigators as "Cali Doe" and "Princess Doe". Additional persons may be called James Doe, Judy Doe, etc. However, to avoid possible confusion, if two anonymous or unknown parties are cited in a specific case or action, the surnames Doe and Roe may be used simultaneously; for example, "John Doe v. Jane Roe". If several anonymous parties are referenced, they may simply be labelled John Doe #1, John Doe #2, etc. (the U.S. Operation Delego cited 21 (numbered) "John Doe"s) or labelled with other variants of Doe / Roe / Poe / etc. Other early alternatives such as John Stiles and Richard Miles are now rarely used, and Mary Major has been used in some American federal cases.[4] The Doe...
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...In the opening scene of "The New World" John Smith and a few of his fellow explorers make their way along the Powhatan river to reach Virginia.During this scene,John Smith was a prisoner and was to be hanged for his behavior,but was let go in promising not be disrespectful again.What was the historical accuracy and relevance of this scene?This scene is not in any way accurate to any event in history.Though,the scene does accurately show the viewer his perosnality,as he is described as having "issues with his social betters".For example,in 1602,when John Smith was a soldier in combat he was captured in Romania.Then he auctioned off,with others such as people form Europe,Turkey,and Arabia,to be sold into slavery which then even if he...
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...John Smith is most remembered as the Jamestown colonist whose life was spared by Chief Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas. The term “New England” can also be attributed to John Smith, or his levelling “no work no eat” policy. However, before Jamestown, Smith was a soldier, a pirate, a captain, a slave, and a murderer. John Smith was born to a successful farmer in Willoughby, England, in the year 1580. In an attempt to quell Smith’s desire to run away, his father put him in an apprenticeship, which Smith left as soon as his father died in 1596. From there he became an English mercenary. While abroad in France, Smith began reading renowned writers such as Marcus Aurelius and Machiavelli in an effort to sophisticate himself culturally and militarily. On his way to sign up for the Austrian army to fight against the Turks, he was shipwrecked on an island off the coast of France. There he was found by a Captain La Roche, whose...
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...Pocahontas and John Smith Pocahontas is set in 1607, just as a new age of exploration has begun. A group of British adventurers led by the greedy governor of the Virginia Company, John Ratcliffe, and including a fearless soldier named John Smith, have set sail for the New World aboard The Susan Constant, seeking gold and other treasures. Meanwhile, in Virginia, a beautiful young Native American woman named Pocahontas, the daughter of Chief Powhatan. The type of painting is made of oil canvas. The painting shows a lot of hate and love. I believe that the subject of the painting is justice and mercy because on the top of the painting is the king of the tribe. He shows leadership, order, and power. His people around him look up to him seeking wisdom and leadership. The king wants to punish the people who invade his land and especially the ones who take other lives. The painting is mostly dark colored with a white cloud surrounding Pocahontas. The tribe seem to be very close attached to each other. Even though everyone is Indian except for John Smith, Pocahontas has a European face. I feel like the painting is 3D. There are people ion the painting that do not stand out as much as the king, Pocahontas, John Smith, and the guy that wants to kill john Smith. Those four are standing out of the painting. Most of the lines are angled. Everyone is moving a certain way. There is a little of horizontal lines, but more angles are found in the painting. All of these elements were...
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