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Joint Care Organization

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The Joint Commission is an organization that works to accredit healthcare programs and providers throughout the United States. It provides detailed records of these organizations, and of the kinds and qualities of services they provide; as well as it tries to take an active role in the improvement of those services, as well. This organization would be of value in my practice as it would help me conduct detailed analyses and research into various healthcare organizations I had some interest in.
This webiste helps patients evaluate medical care according appropriateness, neccessity, as a safeguard of efficiency in their healthcare planning. It also allows the user to compare various types of helathcare programs. IPRO works in close collaboration with these same providers to give up to date evaluations and updates on the availble services they provide. This organization would be of value in my practice as it would give me some further insight into the quality of service an organization provides. …show more content…
It offers me an extensive array of links to various health/social services of many types, fitting to my every need. ------------------- I would certainly use this site if I or someone I was trying to help was in need of some very particular form of service, fitting to their very specific requirements. The site offers many lists and sub-lists of links which are easy for the user to navigate for all their health and wellness needs.

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