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Josef Mengele Research Paper

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Science and war have gone hand in hand for many a century, and this was no different in WWII. The Nazi regime was obsessed with racial purity, and many experiments were conducted in the hopes of proving superiority was to be found in the aryan race. No Nazi doctor is more notorious than Josef Mengele. This paper examines the life, work and thinking of Mengele, and aims to show why he was above all, a power hungry sadist. Mengele was born the eldest of three brothers in Germany, 16th of March 1911. Growing up Mengele was well liked and found many interests in school, including art, music, and skiing. Though wealthy and popular, Josef left his hometown Gunzburg when he was only nineteen, due to what he referred to as his parents “coldness”. Josef went to Munich to go to the …show more content…
“In the long run, it was impossible to stand aside in these political stirring times, should our Fatherland not succumb to the Marxist-Bolshevik attack. This simple political concept became the decisive factor in my life.”(Mengele) A great majority of Josef’s teachers were believers in Nazi eugenics, which may have influenced his extremely racist views. After completing his studies and his PhD in anthropology, Mengele travelled to frankfurt to work as an assistant to Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer at the the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. Otmar von Verschuer had a particular interest in twins, which may very much have influenced Mengele’s science for the the rest of his life. As an assistant, Mengele studied the genetic factors resulting in a cleft lip and palate or cleft chin. He wrote a thesis on the subject which earned him a cum laude doctorate in medicine. This would be the first of Mengele’s many awards. During his time writing his thesis, Mengele joined the Nazi party, and shortly after the Schutzstaffel, commonly known as the

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