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Triangle Fire Source Analysis

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Human nature is the basis of why individuals are unique and different. It is the means which defines a person as a collectivist; where they rely on others or as an individualist; where they rely purely on their individual strengths. The author of this source believes in individual strength rather than government involvement, through the preservation of welfare capitalism. With restrictions comes a loss of identity as it restricts political being of an individual. This source follows the ideas of classical liberalism. In the ideology of individuals striving their uniqueness and inequality. The source argues the role of government, which will suffice an individual's uniqueness being one in which the government does not restrict its people by …show more content…
If the government intervention exceeds more than the necessary requirements, it will eventually lead to an illiberal state, as seen in the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. Before the Triangle Fire occurred the rights and freedoms were not cared for by the owners of a Shirtwaist Factory. The female workers were to focus only on their work with minimal breaks and mistakes. Every mistake made by the females were deducted from their minor payments along with any payment the men in charge wanted to be taken out. To minimize the breaks the owners locked all doors which restricted the female workers from leaving without a proper reason accepted by their supervisors. One day, due to a smoke a fire started in the Shirtwaist Factory which the female workers in the higher levels of the building were unaware of, as the fire enraged up the building to the higher levels of the factory it became harder for the female workers to escape. So, due to the illiberal acts of the factory owners Max Blanck and Isaac Harris, the lives of hundreds of women were lost or severely injured in the extremity of the flames and heat. This brought up the question of worker safety which later resulted in the government creating laws to ensure that such inhuman acts would not be repeated in future times, by any workforce or owners. In addition to that, after the worker safety laws were passed the work environment became a safer place for all workers both man and women. Without the government, the proletariats rights and freedoms will be restricted in response to the bourgeoisie rise in power. However, if there is another higher level of power involved when competing with the owners the outcome will be reasonable for the lower ranked. The Triangle Fire results explain the importance of government involvement in the state, as they help

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