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Joseph Boe: A Short Story

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¨Why are you always yelling?¨ My head was pounding, my throat was closing, my hands were clammy, and my sight started to blur. I was persistently rubbing my hands against my oversized colorfully striped sweater. Oh, how I miss 90´s fashion. ¨WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SUCH A BOTHER, CHAMPAGNE?¨ Joseph Boe, a.k.a my dad bellowed. I closed my eyes and took a sharp intake of breath, a single tear trickled down my cheek. The pounding in my head seemed to be audible and it was infecting my train of thought.
failure ¨I´m sorry,¨ I squeaked. I was unsure if he could hear me, I could barely hear myself.
¨Of course you're sorry, I'm sorry too, I have to deal with you, why don't you just get out of here, you´re such a fucking disgrace.” The emptiness that I have grown to anticipate whenever someone insults me. I´ve grown so habituated to …show more content…
Laughs were running out of my mouth and doing backflips into the air, I was so loud that everybody in a 10,000 mile radius could hear me. ¨And that is how I discovered that linebackers are not the most outgoing people, if you know what I mean,¨ Louis exaggerated, as he winked at me, chortling himself.
A couple minutes later, we started to regain our sanity. ¨Lou, you know I´m gonna miss you when you go off to college. I can't believe you're actually going to Juilliard. You´re so talented, wow I'm jealous,¨ After expressing my thoughts, I gaze down at the scratchy, black floor. Which happens to be the most interesting thing about this playground at the moment.
¨I know, they were impressed by ya boy. But, on a serious note, I´m gonna miss my little pinky too,¨ Louis expresses while discreetly shimmying away because he knows that nickname will result in a

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