...Jasmine Garretson SPE-226 October 3, 2015 Ceri Alhorn Journal 1 Main Points: 1) Parent Involvement is very important in special education because it helps students get the right services that they need have academic success. Teachers and parents communication really can help special needs children progress to their greatest potential. 2) IDEA is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that helps special education receive funding to support special needs children. Also special needs children are entitled to meets standards of general education curriculum. (Harman, 2014). 3) Cultural and linguistic diversity can have an impact on education because students can be placed in special education just because they speak a different language other than English. Just because a student speaks a different doesn’t mean they should be placed in special needs. 4) Differentiate Instruction is very important and good to use in the classroom because there are many students who have different needs and disabilities. Now that special needs children are able to be a part of general education differentiate instruction is important to use in the classroom. (Drew, 2014). 5) Assistive Technology can be very helpful to students with disabilities and also good for students in general education as well. Technology is a great to use for students with different learning styles. Application: In my classroom I will definitely involve parents because they can help the classroom...
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...Will Gorham Journal 1 ENGM 244 – 1 In our first lecture Professor Birdsong focused on three main points: networking, Jordan’s theory of options, and goal setting. Regarding networking, she emphasized that the key to business success is managing relationships. Without successful interpersonal relationships one can expect to struggle finding success in the business world. According to NPR, 70-80% of jobs are acquired through networking and relationships instead of formally submitting an application through a job posting (http://www.npr.org/2011/02/08/133474431/a-successful-job-search-its-all-about-networking). This has proved true in my own life as well. Of all the jobs I’ve worked, I have only been hired once through a formal application process. For every other job or internship I have worked at, I was hired because of the relationships I had with people at the company or through my extended network. The importance of relationships and communication also applies inside of organizations. No matter what type of business one works for they will be constantly interacting with other people, particularly if they are in a leadership position. Jordan’s theory of options describes the phenomenon of how, as a person ages their options gradually decrease and their responsibilities increase. This is particularly true from a career standpoint. Older individuals who have been working in a particular field for much of their lives have much less career mobility than younger people who...
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...REQUIRED JOURNAL RETAKE ASSIGNMENT English Composition (ENG100) Student name: Julianna Gedye Student number: 22061202 Exam number: 250494 Date: 12/8/2015 Evaluator: JLC September 30, 2015- ENTRY 1: ME, A WRITER? Attitude: I do not write a lot since I got out of high school. I do text my parents with full paragraphs without using abbreviations. I really do not like writing, but if I have to then I will. With this class, I know I have to write and I’m willing to, but I might take longer writing in third person then first person with a topic I’m not familiar with. I am great at looking at a picture and can write a story based it. I feel comfortable writing in the English class as long as I have the time to write and think about my steps needed to write the paper. Inventory: When I took that quiz, I felt that is was accurate based on who I am. I was between being independent and social. I usually am social when I need to be but mostly independent. I was closely related to creative but was also close to pragmatic. Spatial had a five for a score. I am usually looking at the data and using it the way I think it works. I had a score of six for rational, I also had a score of five for concrete. My rational skills are high, and I think I would work on being more emotional about things that need it for writing. I believe that being concrete is good...
Words: 2015 - Pages: 9
...As a child my favorite subject often changed by who was teaching the class. I didn’t realize that I was actually smart until eight grade. At that time, my favorite subject was Spanish. I also enjoyed my Social Studies class- especially the subjects on the Civil War and women’s rights. In High School, I dabbled in a little physical science. The teacher taught in multiple ways. She knew that everybody learned in a different way, so she tried to accommodate everybody. That’s when my English skill came about. I had a few poems published in different books. I also advanced in math and basically all of my classes. In my junior year, I started taking agricultural classes which extend into my senior year. As a senior, I took advanced courses in English and Math. I hadn’t taken one Sociology class at this point. My favorite non-circular activity was golf. I didn’t play often and I wasn’t good at it, but I loved it. I engulfed myself in Agriculture. I wanted to be a veterinarian, I was the Vice President of my FFA chapter, and I was showing both pigs and a steer at my local fair. I was proud of my position as the FFA vice president, through them I had competed in many different competitions and had won! I found out that I was good at communication and speeches, I was good at memorizing breeds of animals and I was a good leader. When I graduated high school I started taking agricultural classes at the college level and I hated it. My “On Course” class required us to plan out what we wanted...
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...Kairos Essay Kaichen cao WPP 393 “Obesity may alter the metabolism and distribution of methylmercury.” The author, Rothenberg, SE. research the problem which will influence for obesity. The result of obesity is not only for people lack of sport activity and over eat food. In this age, obesity is become a popular problem in each industry because obesity influence our daily life. Most of expert will study and research the reason of obesity. The article “the obesity Era” is one of the factor in this environment, and it will effect each other with some article about obesity. Therefore, the article by Berreby, D is an important article in this time. It not only make audiences pay attention to these new opinion, but also it can link other authors’ article in our age. For this essay, it will talk about other articles about obesity in the same time are effect or to be effect in our society. There are food environment and socioeconomic status lead to obesity rate, a summary for professional researches and current literature about obesity about the reason of obesity. Audiences will find these interesting articles about obesity is really close and relate will the Berreby’s article. Therefore, this essay will analysis some detail about these articles about obesity. First of all, by Dr. Drewnowski’s article, the food environment and socioeconomic status can exert a powerful influence on body weights and health. The Dr. Drewnowski has a report about obesity and saying: The much higher...
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...Jammie Catoe UNV-108 6 Dec 15 Thomas Christner Motivation What is motivation? I define this as being something within myself that pushes me to do and be. My motivation to pursue my degree with GCU is to make a change in children's lives. It is extremely important for me to stay motivated throughout this journey to be successful with this decision. One way that will help me is the the discussions and contact with my fellow classmates. First of all, my ultimate motivation for continuing my education is to become an elementary school teacher. Knowing that I am capable of making an impact on children in a positive way is what keeps going me in this particular direction. I have considered other options but there is no motivation for me to do anything different. For me to succeed with my goals, I feel that it is extremely important to stay focused and motivated every step of the way. I also think that it will be even more important for me when I receive my degree to be just as motivated if not more. I will have young minds absorbing everything from my words to my actions. That in itself is what will be what keeps me going and working hard. Participating in the discussion forums with my classmates will keep me connected as well as motivated. Having others to share the same experience with is something that I enjoy because I know I'm not on this journey alone. We may not have the same end goal but we have the same route getting there. Although there may be disagreements...
Words: 332 - Pages: 2
...for Equality of Means | | t | df | Sig. (2-tailed) | Mean Difference | Std. Error Difference | 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference | | | | | | | Lower | Upper | Gift bought per year | Equal variances assumed | -3.030 | 83 | .003 | -.717 | .236 | -1.187 | -.246 | | Equal variances not assumed | -3.027 | 81.453 | .003 | -.717 | .237 | -1.188 | -.246 | Regression analysis Age vs. Gift bought per year Model Summary shows that age accounts for 7.9% in Gift bought per year. Therefore there is a little influence by age. Model Summary | Model | R | R Square | Adjusted R Square | Std. Error of the Estimate | 1 | .282a | .079 | .067 | 1.105 | a. Predictors: (Constant), Age | ANOVA is statistically significant as Sig. is < 0.05. ANOVAa | Model | Sum of Squares | df | Mean Square | F | Sig. | 1 | Regression | 7.779 | 1 | 7.779 | 6.369 | .014b | | Residual | 90.379 | 74 | 1.221 | | | | Total | 98.158 | 75 | | | | a. Dependent Variable: gift_bought_per_year | b. Predictors: (Constant), Age | β...
Words: 1043 - Pages: 5
...1) Globalization has led to a more competitively intense economic and geopolitical environment. This environment manifests in opportunities and threats both economic and political. Some have said there is no “geography” in this current global environment. Some issues for supply chains in a global environment are: 1) more economic and political risk; 2) shorter product lifecycles and 3) the blurring of traditional organization boundaries. Another issue is global competition for sources of supply and demand. Traditionally underdeveloped countries such as China and India have become enabled and can participate in the global economy much more readily. Developing companies such as BRIC and VISTA have developed technology and have been outsourced to these countries. Technology has played a major part in time and distance being compressed. Collaboration opportunities with individuals and companies throughout the globe have increased. Flow of commerce is multidirectional. 2) Mass retailers like Walmart have been growing larger and larger. These organizations develop, design, produce, promote, and distribute their own products are using their size and power to impact the supply chain to their own advantage. Consumer product companies are giving special privileges to these large retailers and offering customized distribution services; allowing them to run more efficiently and more effectively. 3) The impact of the consumer is much more direct for supply chains because...
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...Today I read an article about Juvenile Justice on Los Angeles Times named “ Boy who killed neo-Nazi father poses incarceration challenge”. This is a thirteen years old boy who lived in Riverside County killed his father when he was only ten years old! I think it was a terrible morning on May 1, 2011. This boy use the gun to kill his neo-Nazi dad on the couch in their living room. His father named Jeffrey Hall was the West Coast leader in the neo-Nazi organization, so hid father always beat this boy and he also wanted to kill his kids and wife. I think because under this kind of family environment, this boy does not have parents' love, so he may had considerable, pervasive and complicated disabilities. The boy also told to attorneys he killed his father because he want to protect his family. As a young teenage, he does not have enough knowledge about Juvenile Justice and basic law, so the only way he come up with is to kill his father. However, this article also said that this boy cannot be released into the community and he cannot change. This boy changed schools for nine times, and the reason is “violent propensities”. He wanted to kill his teacher by using the telephone cord. When he was young, his grandmother also cannot take good care of him because he is out of control. I think this boy had “violent propensities” when he was young, and then under the influence of his father, he became out of control when he was ten years old. In the end, he killed his father and incarceration...
Words: 327 - Pages: 2
...Pemberton's Dilemma ______________________________________________________________________________ Exercise Preparation In preparation for this case, as a team we waited for the professor to provide us with our role/team assignments. We also made sure we understood directions clearly before making any type of strategies. Strategy Used The strategy that was used in the beginning was strictly competitive and later it became accommodating after we went against our word after our first negotiation. As a team we concluded from the instructions that we were going against the counterpart in order to maximize our teams profits at any cost, maximizing the outcome now and not worry about a long-term relationship in the future. I believe the strategy our counterpart used was collaborative. They strategized that at the end of our negotiation we could have come to an equal profit. SWOT Analysis (self and counterpart) As a team our main strength in the initial strategy was that we communicated well when discussing our first move in opening or closing the Corner Store. At our first negotiation the team agreed to stick to our competitive strategy and maximize our profit at any cost. The counterparts strategy was leaning towards being collaborative. The counterpart gave us free flow of information by letting our team know that they wanted to have equal profits. We used their negotiation as an open opportunity to go against what was agreed on. At I believe both parties changed their strategies...
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...Classroom Norms In the first class of the semester, our professor for group theory explained to the class all of the ground rules and norms that she expected out of us for the remainder of the semester. To be honest, it was mostly common sense and pretty much the same for all classes at this school. What’s expected is outlined in the syllabus and made complete sense. I do understand why all of the teachers have to discuss the rules and expectations the first day of class, just in case someone is completely new to this school or college in general. We did not use the Plus/Delta organization chart in class because we ran out of time but I took a look at it and I think it would be useful when discussing the rules and norms for the class. I do find it helpful to use an organization chart that could focus the class discussion because it keeps the discussion in order and we wouldn’t drift too far off topic. This would also give the students a chance to know what to expect out of what will be discussed in class. I felt that all of the students in the class had equal participation with everything that we discussed. I think it went great and does not need any improvement. I do feel that an establishment of clear, written class ground rules and norms is a good idea. It would make sure that each student knows what the rules are and what is expected of them. I do think that it would add to the atmosphere and efficiency of the classroom as a learning environment because it...
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...Journals and Scientific Documents The purpose of journals and professional papers is to inform the public on a specific subject matter. These writings relate directly to a broad spectrum dependent on the edition or publication specifics. Of professional papers, several types can provide a scope of information and credibility toward a purveyance of technical or detailed information. The structure is usually even flowing and organized with particular information segments set out about the constituency of the writing. These papers, intended for publication in special interest journals, enhance the writers research, writing, and documentation capabilities as some of the information, not being his/her own will need to be accredited as if it is not, than plagiarism will be extrapolated. Journals, usually published by or for a particular subject matter or client, are detailed and accurate. There may be a UCLA journal, National Geographic Journal, or even a mechanic’s journal. The particulars of this, geared toward a particular audience and each entry, will usually comprise two titles sharing a general viewpoint for the nonprofessional and an entry specific title for the professional. The purpose of journals is to inform a group or individual of the credible elements related to a curriculum or scientific, professional, or academic scope. The writings or information in a journal may be composed of professional papers but the opposite is not the same. ...
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...How to Find Specific Journal Articles: (by Mark James) This is a step-by-step guide to finding specific research articles that you have been given the complete reference for (e.g. for seminar readings listed on Moodle, or for articles cited in lectures). To find articles when you do not have a full reference for (e.g. when you’re looking for research on a topic/theory/model generally) please refer to the slide “Finding Sources” of the Study Skills slides provided on Moodle. All seminar readings are available to download via the University of Kent library website using the following steps. Example - how to find: Poropat, A.E. (2009). A meta-analytic analysis of the five-factor model of personality and academic performance. Psychological Bulletin, 135 (2), 322-38. Step 1: Go to http://www.kent.ac.uk/library/ - click ‘Search for journals” and enter title of the journal (e.g. Psychological Bulletin) here: Step 2: Click on one of the search results: Some journals are accessible through multiple providers (e.g. PsycARTICLES, Academic Search Complete, Wiley-Blackwell Full Collection), with varying levels of access. Check the date of the article you’re searching for was published and select a provider which holds the journal published that year. Step 3: A new window will pop up, and you will be asked to input your Kent username and password. Once provided you will be taken to the journal providers website. Select the year the reading was published (e.g. 2009)...
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...As a teacher it is your responsibility to not only present new material to the student but to teach them and to verify and monitor what information they are actually obtaining and processing. There are many forms of assessments that teachers can use to evaluate students understanding of lesson material. I will suggest a few methods that I will use in my secondary education mathematics classroom. The first strategy of monitoring I will discuss will be quizzes. There are multiple advantages for this form of testing. First, is that it easily produces recorded data. I can quickly grade multiple choice questions and record the students’ grade. Being able to record this grade will allow me to present scores to the parents when I am asked for a student’s progress. Another advantage to a quiz is the ability to assess both the entire class and each individual’s understanding on a topic. I will be able to look at the overall measurement and decide whether there is a need to review the topic or lesson, or if the class is ready to advance in the given studies. Also, by presenting multiple quizzes through the term the students and I can create a set format, which can help ease classroom anxiety. Another form of monitoring students’ progression through a lesson is homework. Homework can be one of the most effective methods for tracking mathematical progress. Assigning, collecting and grading homework can be a very timely way to gather information on how each student is progressing through...
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...Difference between journals and diaries:- The difference between a diary and a journal is that a diary is where you can write down what happened during the day and keep a record of stuff. A journal is to write your own personal feelings in, and things that happened, and how they happened. A diary is a report of what happened during the day—where you ate, who you met, the details that what was happened in the office, and who took whose side. It is a like a newspaper about you. A journal is completely different. A journal is about examining your life. It’s a GPS system for your spirit. Journals lead to insight, growth, and sometimes, achieving a goal. You can keep a journal in anything that feels comfortable and that’s portable–a spiral notebook, a bind book you have put together with lokta paper, index cards held together with a rubber band. You can use a computer; keep a blog, although that doesn’t work as well for me. But things on the internet are simply not private, password protected or not. To keep a journal on paper, pick a time of day to write. Keep it regularly. It makes it easier. Try that you didn’t stuck to an exercise program because then it can nailed it into schedule at a certain time. Writing works the same way. First thing in the morning, last thing at night, while eating lunch at your desk. Write with a good pen that feels good and whose color you like. In the beginning, you may have to set a time limit. Three minutes is good. Just write whatever comes...
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