...Page 1 of 8 ANZMAC 2009 Satisfaction with Services: An Impact-Performance Analysis for Soccer-Fan Satisfaction Judgements Marko Sarstedt*, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, sarstedt@lmu.de Manfred Schwaiger, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich schwaiger@lmu.de Christian M. Ringle, University of Hamburg & University of Technology, Sydney, cringle@econ.uni-hamburg.de Siegfried Gudergan, University of Technology Sydney, Siggi.Gudergan@uts.edu.au Abstract Fan satisfaction is with services is a key element to successfully compete in the soccer industry. In this paper we examine the antecedent factors that explain the variations in overall service satisfaction judgements. We draw on service an activities put in place by soccer clubs to illustrate these effects. Based on a literature review, interviews with both soccer fans and an industry expert, we develop a measurement approach for satisfaction which we test subsequently using a large-scale sample among soccer fans. An analysis of the impact-performance implications of antecedent drivers shows that stadium features, team characteristics, and fan-based support for the club and its management are the most important factors that influence overall satisfaction. Keywords: customer service, satisfaction, service experience, service providers ANZMAC 2009 Page 2 of 8 Satisfaction with Services: An Impact-Performance Analysis for Soccer-Fan Satisfaction Judgements Literature review on the relevance of fan satisfaction...
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...Doyin Ogunbajo's Ultimate Golf Journal January 2011 Trans # 53 Type Invoice Date 1/2/2011 Num 2 Adj Name Yanov, Tamara Yanov, Tamara Yanov, Tamara Yanov, Tamara State Board of Equ... Memo -MULTIPLE-MULTIPLE-MULTIPLECA Sales Tax Account 1200 · Accounts Re... 4020 · Clothing Sales 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 2200 · Sales Tax P... Debit Credit 600.54 559.94 80.00 80.00 40.60 680.54 54 Invoice 1/2/2011 3 Costini, Maria Costini, Maria Costini, Maria Costini, Maria Costini, Maria State Board of Equ... Golf Clubs: S... -MULTIPLE-MULTIPLE-MULTIPLECA Sales Tax 1200 · Accounts Re... 4030 · Equipment S... 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 4010 · Accessory S... 2200 · Sales Tax P... Golf Clubs: ... Golf Clubs: ... Golf Clubs: ... CA Sales Tax 1200 · Accounts Re... 4030 · Equipment S... 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 2200 · Sales Tax P... Golf Bags -MULTIPLE-MULTIPLEGolf Clubs: Ir... CA Sales Tax 10% Discoun... 1200 · Accounts Re... 4010 · Accessory S... 1120 · Inventory As... 5000 · Cost of Goo... 4030 · Equipment S... 2200 · Sales Tax P... 6130 · Sales Discou... 1,034.64 750.00 362.50 362.50 214.70 69.94 1,397.14 55 Invoice 1/2/2011 4 Hammar, Azar Hammar, Azar Hammar, Azar Hammar, Azar State Board of Equ... Invoice 1/2/2011 5 Palm Springs Scho... Palm Springs Scho... Palm Springs Scho... Palm...
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...nightclub, called The Locker Room. This club is located in Marietta, Ohio. I recently visited Ohio Valley University, which is a college I attended last year and this is a club we would go to on the weekends. Being from PG County, Maryland and going to this club in Ohio was a different scene. Nightclubs in general are a universal part of my generation and also culture. Nightclubs are social venues and attract all genders, races, and ethnicities. Nightclubs are a place where you can meet friends or make friends, a place where you could dance, a place where you could enjoy the newest and hottest music. For some nightclubs are where they meet prospective dates, and nightclubs are aware of this, which is why they keep it all in mind when they are being designed. I have two goals for this observation my first goal is to see how the club goers interact with one another, which gender approaches the other more often? Also does the race of an individual play a role in how other interact with them? Second, I hope to investigate how club employees interact and treat the club goers, again based on race and gender. In this observation I hope to reveal hoe club goers interact and are treated while in nightclubs. I have three Research questions I posed during this observation. Does the gender of the individual have any affect on how they are treated while attending the club? Which gender is more likely to approach the other? Lastly, how does the club (employees, managers, bouncers, etc.)...
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...Wensing M, Dijkstra R, Donaldson C: Effectiveness and efficiency of guideline dissemination strategies. Health Technology Assessment 2004, 8:1-84. For theory to be used in implementation research, it needs to be seen as relevant, accessible and useful, and researchers need to have expertise in behavioural theory. The relevance of theories of behaviour change would be more apparent if implementation of research findings were conceived in terms of health professional behaviour = Eccles M, Grimshaw J, Walker A, Johnston M, Pitts N: Changing the behaviour of healthcare professions: the use of theory in promoting the uptake of research findings. Journal of Epidemiology 2005, 58:107-112. Make clinical staff more aware of existing research in their specialty areas • Help clinical staff to set up and keep up to date a resource area with relevant research papers • Help clinical staff to interpret and implement research findings in practice • Help clinical staff to locate relevant research papers using the internet • Organize and run workshops on site to learn or update research knowledge and skills • Undertake joint research projects with clinical staff • Help clinical staff to access research findings using a number of research databases • Help clinical staff to critically appraise relevant research papers • Help to set up a journal club or a research interest...
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...The Shadow Club Journal Entry #2 Identify two character traits of Jared that really bother you or something about him that you really like. Use two examples of direct text evidence from the novel to support your answer. Remember, you must use quotations for direct evidence and page numbers. Before you start writing, please read the rubric for grade level expectations and make sure you are following the CRE4C format. Criteria Grading Scale Claim/Reason Answer the writing prompt by restating the question and providing a logical reason for the claim. 2 Satisfactory 1 Needs Improvement Text Evidence #1 Provide one piece of direct evidence from The Shadow Club that supports the first character trait. 2 Satisfactory 1 Needs Improvement Explanation...
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...www.ccsenet.org/ijms International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 2, No. 2; November 2010 Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry: A Case Study from Sicily Gandolfo Dominici (Corresponding author) Facoltà di Economia, Dip. S.E.A.F., Università di Palermo viale delle Scienze ed.13, 90128, Palermo, Italy E-mail: gandolfodominici@unipa.it Rosa Guzzo Facoltà di Economia, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze ed.13, 90128, Palermo, Italy E-mail: rosyguzzo@hotmail.it Abstract In order to be successful in the market it is not sufficient to attract new customers managers must concentrate on retaining existing customers implementing effective policies of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In hotel industry customer satisfaction is largely hooked upon quality of service. A management approach focused on customer satisfaction can improve customer loyalty, thus increasing the positive image of the touristic destination. Hence, exploring the importance for customers of hotel attributes in hotel selection is indispensable. Research on the topic of guest satisfaction, which translates into the consideration of whether or not customers will return to a hotel or advise it to other tourists, is pivotal to the success of the hospitality business. Neglecting to pay attention to those hotel attributes considered most important by guests, may lead to negative evaluation of the hotel, thus restricting the chance of repeat patronage. We perform a qualitative analysis of a large...
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...Right to work (RTW) is one of the controversial topics in the history of American labour legislation, which was commenced by the Taft-Hartley act of 1947. Supporters of RTW laws believe worker's freedom is ensured through this legislation, on the other hand opponents of this law believe they are fighting for the lifeblood movement of labour union (Kovach, 1977). Till to date, 23 states of U.S. have adopted RTW laws, whereas other state's legislature (i.e Ohio, Michugan and New Hampshire) debate on this law (Collins, 2012). Since RTW has created different opinion among different people, researches have been conducted widely to find out differences from numerous perspectives (ie. social, economic, employment etc.) among RTW states and union security states. However, research result is inconclusive, since one can gain limited knowledge on the probable insights that a RTW and non-RTW state may provide(Collins, 2012). For a long period of time, anti-union members are applauding RTW laws by claiming this law is providing freedom of choice to the workers, whether they want to join a union voluntarily. In contrast, I find a hidden motive behind this legislation; that is- employers gain the most from RTW laws. Therefore, in this report focus will be given to analyze how employers are gaining the most from this law by depriving the workers. First of all, in a RTW state employers get advantage in getting works done at owner's terms, since workers cannot raise their voice to oppose those...
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...Christ University, Bengaluru Strategic Plan 2015-16 Deanery: Science Department: Electronics Area: Curricular aspects Strategy: Research integrated curriculum that addresses emerging areas Sl No | Initiatives | Tasks | Person Responsible | Progress 2015-16 | Expected Outcome | Remarks | | | | | APR-JUL | | | 1 | Strengthening the curriculum with Research inputs/Industrial relevance | 1.1 Identify the areas in the subject with researchPotential.1.2 Lab experiments to include simulation packages. | Hamsa K S | Identify subject experts from IISc, ALS, Vasundara Automation, Alumni etc | IISc: Dr. AnilkumarALS ( Industry): J KasinathanAcademics: Dr. Uma V(MCC)Industry: Sujata M S ( Vasundera Automation)Alumni: Vinu Narayanan | Course with research inputs | | 2 | ICT based curriculum | To design the curriculum with digital modules | O V Johnson | Identify modules with potential for e-content | : Identified.Measuring InstrumentsLogic gates | Curriculum with Digital learning | | 3 | Elective courses | Strengthen the curriculum with Elective papers | Mukund N Naragund | Identify the elective | Identified, Digital signal ProcessingIndustrial Electronics | Curriculum with Elective papers | | 4 | Masters-Doctoral Integrated Programme | | | | | | Not applicable | 5 | Self-learning modules | To strengthen the curriculum with additional topics | Benny Sebastian | Identify the self learning modules | Identified:MultivibratorsPCB...
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...Szymanski[1] Stephen Hall The Business School, Imperial College London April 2003 Abstract: In the US most economists have argued that professional sports teams are profit maximising businesses, but it is a widely held view in Europe that professional football clubs are not run on a profit maximising basis. This belief has important implications for the impact of policy measures such as income redistribution that are widely advocated. This paper looks at the performance of sixteen English football clubs that acquired a stock exchange listing in the mid 1990s. If the European story is true, we should have observed a shift toward profit maximising behaviour at these clubs. This paper finds no evidence of any shift in this direction. This result is consistent with the view that football clubs in England have been much more oriented toward profit objectives than is normally allowed. Keywords: economics of sport, objective functions JEL classification number: L21, L83 We thank to Dirk Nitzsche for assistance with data collection. We thank Peter Sloane and seminar participants at the CARR Outreach workshop on business history for helpful comments. “Those clubs which have floated to become public companies – Manchester United, Newcastle United, Aston Villa, Chelsea, Tottenham- now have as their principal objective the making of money for their shareholders.” -David Conn, The Football Business, p154. 1. Introduction ...
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...(Each correct answer is worth 2 marks) Write the LETTER of the best answer for each of the questions in the box provided in the answer column. Question 1 The statement “That for every debit entry, there shall be a corresponding credit entry” refers to A. Double - entry Concept B. Disclosure Concept. C. Objectivity Concept D. Entity Principle Question 2 Which of the following equations cannot be derived from the basic accounting equation? A. Assets = Liabilities + Capital B. Assets – Liabilities = Capital C. Capital = Liabilities – Assets D. Assets – Capital = Liabilities Question 3 An entity formed under law, having perpetual succession and limited liability, and appears as a legal person is a (an) A. company. B. sole trader. C. partnership. D. unregistered club. Question 4 The total of “Discount Allowed” column in the Cash Receipts Journal is posted to the A. debit of discount allowed account. B. debit of discount received account. C. credit of discount allowed account. D. credit of discount received account. Question 5 The purpose of the Sales Journal in a service enterprise is to record A. cash sales of goods and services of a company. B. credit sales of services provided by...
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...2008. Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings. United State of America: Cengage Learning The Finance Club at Harvard University is a prestigious organization for Harvard MBA students. The student members have the opportunity to interact with public officials like Senator William Proxmire and business executives such as Bruce Wasserstein. The Finance Club also serves as a network for job hunting. Each spring, the club holds elections for its officers, including two co-presidents. In the spring of 1992, after initial balloting, there was a tie between two teams of two co-presidents. Murry Gunty was one member of one of the teams and busily recruited students to vote in a run-off election. Two of the students he recruited voted under names of absentee members of the Finance Club. The new votes gave Mr.Gunty his victory. However, two of the votes were from students who were not members of the club, but used someone else’s name to vote.1 After an anonymous tip, the elections were set aside and the runners-up installed as co-presidents. Mr.Gunty was required to write a paper on ethics.2 1 Gilbert Fuchsberg, “Harvard Has Some Crimson Faces Over a Lesson in Practical Politics,” The Wall Street Journal, April 9, 1992, B1 2 ”Harvard Student Rigging Election Must Write Paper,” The Wall Street Journal, April 24, 1992, A3 Kasus The Finance Club Universitas Harvard adalah sebuah organisasi yang mempromosikan kegiatan dan karir seputar keuangan di kalangan mahasiswa...
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...Food | Blue Apron | Nature Box | Are the good/services perishable? | Highly perishable (3), | Not very perishable (1) | Predictably consumed? | Very predictably consumed (3) | Not at all predictable how fast consumed (1 | Offer good value, too? | Much less expensive (3) | Much less expensive (3) | Total Score: | 9 | 5 | Companies chosen: Clothing | Five Four Club | StitchFix | Are the good/services perishable? | Not very perishable (1) | Not very perishable (1) | Predictably consumed? | Not at all predictable how fast consumed (1) | Not at all predictable how fast consumed (1) | Offer good value, too? | Much less expensive (3) | Much less expensive (3) | Total Score | 5 | 5 | Beauty | The Dollar Shave Club | BirchBox | Are the good/services perishable? | Highly perishable (3) | Not very perishable (1) | Predictably consumed? | Very predictably consumed (3) | Very predictably consumed (3) | Offer good value, too? | Much less expensive (3) | Much less expensive (3) | Total Score | 9 | 7 | News | Financial Times | Wall Street Journal | Are the good/services perishable? | Highly perishable (3) | Highly perishable (3) | Predictably consumed? | Very predictably consumed (3) | Very predictably consumed (3) | Offer good value, too? | Much more expensive than you’d pay elsewhere (1) | Much less expensive (3) | Total Score | 7 | 9 | Analysis: The essential revenue model and longevity of a subscription service will solely be dependent on the product / service...
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...possess a unique range, limited mostly to coastal bays and waterways of the warm southern coasts. They are also the world’s only herbivorous marine mammals, and they have a highly-developed mouth with bristles. Although much-loved, the manatee population is currently under threat from man. Boat collisions are among the leading causes of death in manatees; this, as well as their long gestation period (one year), threatens manatee populations. Because of this, West Indian manatees in the United States are protected under federal law by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, and the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Report Both manatees and dugongs are thought to be the source of the myth of mermaid stories.[1] The order Sirenia was named after the sirens of Greek mythology, mermaids who lured sailors to their death in shipwrecks by their singing. Perhaps this etymology is due to their unique vocalizations. Florida manatees were first documented to produce underwater vocalizations more than 40 years ago. This was followed by limited analyses of sounds of one or two captive Amazonian manatees and Caribbean manatees. “Hartman (1979) qualitatively described Florida manatee call notes with terms such as squeaks, chirps, and grunts, and described the contexts in which vocalizations were heard. Hartman hypothesized that aspects of manatee sounds may vary with motivational...
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...Abstract Raves have historically referred to grass-roots organized, anti-establishment and unlicensed all night dance parties, featuring electronically-produced dance music (EDM), such as techno, house, trance and drum and bass. Since their late 1980s origins in the U.K., raves have gained widespread popularity and transformed dramatically. Consequently, their many cultural traits and behaviors have garnered much sociological interest, which mostly falls into two competing perspectives: cultural studies and public health. In this paper, we review what raves look like today compared to their high point in the 1990s. We then discuss how the cultural studies and public health perspectives define raves and have studied them over time, focusing on the “pet” sociological concepts each has sought to advance. Our analysis of these literatures reveals important differences in rave research by country and over time. We end by discussing the politics associated with the shift in rave research. Introduction Society has been greatly influenced by many alternative scenes, subcultures, or lifestyles oriented around music, youth and young adults (Epstein 1998). Some of the more notable ones include the English punk scene in the 1970s- 1980s, the U.S. jazz (1930s-1940s) and hippie scenes (1970s), and the 1990s rave scenes in the U.K. and U.S. From them have come musical innovation, social identity, fashion and other aesthetic nuances, and mainstream and alternative cultural production...
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...Accounting Chapter: 1 Introduction to Accounting ▪ Bookkeeping is the detailed recording of all the financial transactions of a business. Accounting uses these bookkeeping records to prepare financial statements. ▪ It is necessary to prepare financial statements to show the profit or loss of the business and the financial position of the business and it will help in decision-making. ▪ The accounting equation shows that the assets are always equal to the capital plus the liabilities of the business. Assets = Capital + Liabilities ▪ A balance sheet is a statement of the financial position of a business and a certain date. Chapter: 2 Double Entry Bookkeeping- Part A ▪ Every transaction must be entered twice-on the debit side of one accounting and on the credit side of another account. ▪ The debit entry is made in the account which is receiving the value and the credit entry is made in the account which is giving the value. ▪ Each type of asset, liability, expense and income has its own ledger account. ▪ Any value taken from the business by the owner of the business is known as drawings. ▪ At the end of the period, the accounts of assets and liabilities which contain more than one entry should be balanced. ▪ The entries for purchases and sales and purchases returns and sales returns are...
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