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GLOBAL INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION (GISI) JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR ( Email: JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR (2012) Notes: Journal Impact Factor (JIF) provides a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading national and international journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data available in online and print mode. By compiling paper cited references, JIF helps to measure research influence and impact factor of the journal in category wise.

S.No 1 2 3 4 Name of the Journal ISSN Online and Print ISSN: 0967-0734 ISSN: 1075-4253
ISSN 1532-9194

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher Emerald Group Publishing Limited ELSEVIER
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) University of Minnesota INTEGRATED PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Wiley Publication IAEME Laxmi Publication PSG IM PSG IM Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Indian Institute of Management CALCUTTA

Human Resource Management International Digest Journal of International Management

2.4092 2.3971 5.9259 6.0230 8.9230 0.9360 5.7021 3.5420 0.1870 0.4290 0.5021 1.2370 1.2801 1.5251 1.1034

3.6690 1.8021 2.4310 4.6540 6.754 0.4671 4.6956 1.5030 0.0532 0.1378 0.2021 0.8790 0.7120 0.9100 0.7658

Online ISSN: 1526-5501 Print ISSN: 0025-1909

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

MIS quarterly Asian Journal of Management Research Journal of Management Studies International Journal of Management(IJM) GOLDEN RESEARCH THOUGHTS Journal of Emerging Financial Market Journal of Contemporary Research in Management IIMB Management Review(IMR) Journal of Management Research Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers Decision

ISSN: 0276-7783 ISSN 2229-3795

Print ISSN: 0022-2380 Online ISSN: 1467-6486 ISSN Print: 0976-6502 ISSN Online: 0976-6510 2231-5063

ISSN 0970 3896

ISSN 0256-0909


The International Journal of Human Resource Management Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journal of Human Values Vision – The Journal of Business Perspective International Journal of Human Resource Management Research and Development (IJHRMRD) IFRSA BUSINESS REVIEW(IBR) Indore Management Journal Indian Journal of Marketing International Journal of Management Research and Development (IJMRD) Journal of Management Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM) Indian Journal of Finance KMPro Journal International Journal of Financial Management Research and Development (IJFMRD) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IJIPR)

Print ISSN: 0958-5192 Online ISSN: 1466-4399



Taylor & Francis

17 18 19 20

Print ISSN: 0737-6782 Online ISSN: 1540-5885 Print ISSN: 0971-6858; Online ISSN: 0973-0737 ISSN 0972-2629 ISSN Print 2248-9401 ISSN Online 2248-941X e-ISSN 2249-5444

2.7509 1.3304 1.5271 0.9570 0.1351 0.9254 1.1023 1.3560 7.2023 0.5230 3.8012 0.4210 0.2035 1.3956 0.9130

4.8321 0.7500 0.7340 0.6213 Not Calculated 0.6450 0.7245 0.9710 5.2450 0.2590 2.4890 0.1090 0.0561 0.5489 0.3562

Wiley Publication Indian Institute of Management CALCUTTA Management Development Institute Gurgaon PRJ Publication

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

IPER Indian Institute of Management Indore Editor, Indian Journal of Marketing PRJ Publication Official Journal of the Southern Management Association Editor, Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management Academic Publishing Limited Editor, Indian Journal of Finance Knowledge Management Professional Society PRJ Publication IAEME

ISSN 0975-5012 ISSN 0973-8703 ISSN Print 2248 – 938X ISSN Online 2248 – 9398

ISSN: 0149-2063 eISSN: 1557-1211
ISSN 0975-2854 ISSN 1479-4411 ISSN 0973-8711

ISSN Print 2248-9320 ISSN Online 2248-9339

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

JOURNAL OF INDIAN PSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (JIPR) International Journal of Marketing & Human Resource Management (IJMHRM) Creativity and Innovation Management COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT AIMS International Journal of Management ANVIKSHIKI THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM) R&D Management International Journal of Market Research International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA)

ISSN: 0972-5431 ISSN: 0971-7544

0.8260 1.3872 1.5321 1.3375 0.9670 0.4200 0.2310 2.8021 3.9201 4.3212 3.2178 2.3019

0.4310 0.9412 0.5531 0.7021 0.5051 0.1078 0.1190 0.5218 3.1450 3.7290 2.4030 1.4967 1.7278 1.9709
Not Calculated

ISSN Print: 0976 - 6421 ISSN Online: 0976- 643X Print ISSN: 0963-1690 Online ISSN: 1467-8691 ISSN 2277-1166 ISSN: 1939-7011 ISSN 0973-9777 ISSN Print: 0976 - 6324 ISSN Online: 0976 - 6332 Print ISSN: 0033-6807 Online ISSN: 1467-9310

The Institute for Yoga and Consciousness National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources IAEME Wiley Publication ABHINAV JOURNAL AIMS International MPASVO PRESS IAEME Wiley Publication The Market Research Society by Warc Interscience Publishers IGI Global Palgrave Macmillan Sage Publication PRJ Publication

ISSN (Online): 1741-8100 - ISSN (Print): 1477-5212

International Journal of Online Marketing (IJOM)
Journal of Financial Services Marketing Journal of Service Research Journal of Management Research and Development (JMRD)
ISSN: 1363-0539 EISSN: 1479-1846 eISSN: 1552-7379 ISSN: 1094-6705

2.4901 2.5602 0.9120

SUBJECT: General Engineering and Technology
S.No 1 2 3 Name of the Journal International Journal of Engineering Science SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY (NIJOTECH) European Scientific Journal ANNALS OF FACULTY ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA – INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING romania International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology (IJARET) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Estonian Journal of Engineering The Journal of Engineering Research INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION International Journal of Engineering Science International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research ISSN Online and Print
ISSN: 0020-7225 ISSN 2277-1174 1115-8443

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher

5.2900 0.2807 2.1023 1.2875 0.3201 2.7078 1.3734 0.4621 0.7021 0.5214 0.5021 4.8000 2.7450 0.4510

4.4012 0.1210 1.9230 1.1450 0.2100 0.7315 0.7230 0.1097 0.2940
Not Calculated

4 5

ISSN Print 1857 – 788 ISSN Online 1857 – 7431 ISSN 1584-2665

Elsevier ABHINAV JOURNAL Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka European Scientific Institute university of mosul IAEME


7 8 9 10 11

ISSN Print: 09766480 ISSN Online: 09766499 1816-949x 1818-7803 ISSN 1819-6608 ISSN 1406-0175 Online ISSN: 17266742 Print ISSN: 1726-6009 ISSN 2086-9614 (Hardcopy) ISSN 2087-2100 (Electronic) ISSN: 0020-7225 ISSN 2229-5518

Medwell Publishing ARPN Estonian Academy of Sciences Engineering Sultan Qaboos University Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia Virginia Tech ELSEVIER Research Publication

0.2190 3.7210 2.2390 0.2130

12 13 14


International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)

ISSN 2277 4378


Not Calculated

IJSER Planetary Scientific Research Centre

Subject: Mechanical, Production, Design, Automobile, Aeronautical and Industrial Engineering
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Name of the Journal Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology International Journal of Automotive Technology International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) Journal of Thermal Science International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET) International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology( IJMST) The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology International Journal of Production Technology and Management (IJPTM) International Journal of Design Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Energy Science and Technology International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing ISSN Online and Print
ISSN 1586- 2070 ISSN: 1738-494X (print) ISSN: 1976-3824 (electronic) ISSN Print: 1229-9138 ISSN Online: 1976-3832 ISSN Print: 1955-2513 ISSN Online: 1955-2505 ISSN Print: 1003-2169 ISSN Online: 1993-033X ISSN Print: 0976 – 6340 ISSN Online: 0976 - 6359 ISSN 1524-1548 ISSN Print: 0268-3768 ISSN Online: 1433-3015 ISSN Print: 0976- 6383 ISSN Online: 0976 - 6391 ISSN: 1994-036X (online) 1991-3761 (print) ISSN 1995-6665 ISSN: 19238460 EISSN: 19238479 ISSN online: 1757-8825 ISSN print: 1757-8817

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher
Miskolc University Press Springer Springer Springer Springer IAEME Advance Manufacturing Solutions Co. Ltd. Springer IAEME Chief Editor Hashemite University Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures Inderscience Publishers

1.2030 3.7320 2.9021 3.3670 3.7231 3.8071 1.3210 4.8245 1.5910 1.6360 0.6921 0.5756 1.9278

0.5451 Not Calculated Not Calculated 2.7156 2.8230 1.2083 0.8014 3.3120 0.4531 0.8901 0.2010 0.1348 1.3270

14 15

International Journal of Design and Manufacturing Technology(IJDMT) The Journal of Sustainable Product Design

ISSN Print: 0976 - 6995 ISSN Online: 0976 - 7002 ISSN Print: 1367-6679 ISSN Online: 1573-1588 ISSN: 1679-8171 ISSN: 2156-1680 EISSN: 2156-1672 ISSN: 2231 –5950 ISSN Online: 0976 - 6987 ISSN Print: 0976 - 6979 ISSN Print: 0944-6524 ISSN Online: 1863-7353 ISSN 0974- 6692 Online ISSN: 2013-0953 Print ISSN: 2013-8423

1.8270 4.2031 1.6025 1.0320 1.1390 2.3810 3.3201 0.4590 1.8267 0.4210

0.6090 3.2101 0.8412 0.4373 0.3856 0.8927 2.7900 0.2534 1.1023 0.1350 2.9378 0.9278 1.4967 3.8097 0.5210 0.4910 0.7210 0.1250

IAEME Springer

16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME) International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (IJARME) International Journal of Industrial Engineering Research and Development (IJIERD) Production Engineering Manufacturing Technology & Management(MT&M) Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Industrial Engineering Journal International Journal of Services and Operations Management International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Development (IJMERD) European Journal of Industrial Engineering Journal of Industrial Engineering International Journal of Robotics International Journal of Aerospace Engineering Advances in Mechanical Engineering Journal of Combustion

ABEPRO Information Resources Management Association Interscience Publishers IAEME Springer Indian Institute of Production Engineers

ISSN online: 1744-2389 ISSN print: 1744-2370 ISSN Print 2248 –9347 ISSN Online 2248 – 9355 ISSN online: 1751-5262 ISSN print: 1751-5254 ISSN Online: 2251-712X

3.2010 1.8280 1.6024 2.8210 0.8709 0.7310 0.9201 0.2045

Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering Interscience Publishers PRJ Publication

Springer Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation Hindawi Publishing Corporation

32 33 34 35 36

International Journal of Rotating Machinery International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration (IJACR) International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
ISSN online 1741-5195 ISSN print 1368-2148 ISSN: 0140-7007
Print ISSN 2010-1325 Online ISSN 2010-1333 ISSN (Online): 17102243 ISSN (Hardcopy): 1078-3466

0.9236 1.5910 2.7020 2.3023 2.7450

0.4521 1.4569 1.7900 1.9234 1.4021

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Interscience Publishers ELSEVIER World Scientific Publishing Co ACTA Press

Subject: Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Construction and Materials
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of the Journal International Journal of Civil Engineering Advances in Civil Engineering International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET) Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering International Journal of Environmental Sciences Applied and Environmental Soil Science
ISSN Print: 0976 - 6308 ISSN Online: 0976 - 6316 ISSN (print): 0315-1468 ISSN (electronic): 12086029 ISSN: 1338-3973 (print) ISSN: 1210-3896 (online) ISSN: 0887-3801 eISSN: 1943-5487 ISSN 0976 – 4399 ISSN 0976 – 4402

ISSN Online and Print
ISSN: 1735-0522

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher
Iran University of Science & Technology Hindawi Publishing Corporation IAEME NRC Research Press Versita, Warsaw American Society of Civil Engineers Integrated Publishing Association (IPA) INTEGRATED PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Hindawi Publishing Corporation

1.7302 0.3801 3.1861 1.2031 1.9538 1.3021 0.5910 0.3286 0.4508

1.3690 0.2010 1.2000 0.8219 1.5908 0.9201 0.2890 0.1902 0.2910


Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering (EJSE) Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE ) International Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Development (IJCERD) Journal of Structural Engineering Survey Review Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING & MATERIALS SCIENCES (IJEMS) Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING (MJCE) The Journal of Fluid Mechanics International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research (IJFMR) The International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems (IJFMS) Dam Engineering Journal of Structural Engineering (JOSE) International Journal of Civil Engineering and Building Materials (IJCEBM)

ISSN 1443-9255

1.3012 1.2120 1.9231 1.8231 0.7819 0.4700 1.3463 1.0739 0.1101 1.3780 0.6520 2.2700 0.8310 0.1290

0.7012 0.8741 0.8290 0.9380 0.3681 0.2010 0.8291 0.5901 0.0290 0.8310 0.3901 1.2082 0.4950 0.1170 0.6921 0.1129 0.5230

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

ISSN 1089-3032 ISSN Print 2228-9428 ISSN Online 2248 – 9436 ISSN: 0733-9445 eISSN: 1943-541X ISSN 0039-6265 (print) ISSN 1752-2706 (online) ISSN: 1674-7755 1003-1243 ISSN 0971-4588 1934-7359

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Chief Editor PRJ Publication American Society of Civil Engineers Survey Review Ltd Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, China Oriprobe Information Services Council of Scientific & Industrial Research David Publishing Company Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Cambridge University Press Begell house, inc. publishers IJFMS Editorial Office, Korea International Water Power & Dam Construction CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre International Science and Engineering Research Center Limited Editor of IJTST

ISSN: 1064-2277 Print ISSN Online: 1882-9554

ISSN 0970-0137 ISSN 2223-487X

0.8902 0.1230 0.3350

International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology

ISSN 2046-0430


International Journal of Urban and Regional Research



Wiley – Blackwell publishing

Subject: Electrical Engineering, Power Production and Distribution
S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of the Journal Journal of Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering Elektrika : Journal of Electrical Engineering Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Electrical Engineering in Japan International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (IJEET) Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering International Journal of Electrical and ISSN Online and Print
ISSN 1582-4594 ISSN: 0948-7921 (print ISSN: 1432-0487 (electronic version) ISSN: 1735-2827

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher
POLITEHNICA Publishing House Springer

0.9670 3.7490 0.8045 1.0978 3.8098 1.1090 0.8310 0.9210 2.8921 3.2031 2.8490 0.2760

0.7800 3.5309 0.58921 0.8280 3.5780 0.5075 0.3913 0.7091 2.6120 0.9230 2.5321 0.1671

ISSN 1300-0632 Electronic ISSN 13036203 Print ISSN: 1931-4973 Online ISSN: 19314981
ISSN: 01284428 ISSN 1336-1376 (Print) ISSN 1804-3119 (Online)

Iran University of Science & Technology IRAN The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Wiley Publication


ISSN 1814-5892 (Print)/ ISSN 2078-6069 (Online)

9 10 11 12

Online ISSN: 1520-6416 ISSN Print: 0976-6545 ISSN Online: 0976-6553 ISSN 0840-8688 ISSN Print 2010-3964

University Teknologi Malaysia VSB - Technical University of Ostrava and University of Zilina Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Basrah College of Engineering Department of Electrical engineering Basrah Iraq Wiley IAEME IEEE Canada World Academy of Science,

13 14

Electronics Engineering European Journal of Electrical Engineering International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research and Development (IJEEERD) Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics Journal of Electrical Systems Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering TELKOMNIKA: Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering International Electrical Engineering Journal

ISSN Online 2010-3972 2103-3641 ISSN Print 2248 – 9282 ISSN Online 2248 – 9290 ISSN 1451-4869 Print ISSN 2085-6830/ online ISSN 2087-5886 ISSN: 1112-5209 ISSN: 1582-7445 e-ISSN: 1844-7600 ISSN: 2087-278X

1.5610 1.5487 0.9790 0.4321 0.9239 1.1290 0.4590 0.2659

1.3290 0.4047 0.5631 0.2815 0.5498 0.9560 0.3100 0.1090

Engineering and Technology Chief Editor PRJ Publication

15 16 17 18 19 20

Technical Faculty in Čačak , Serbia Chief Editor ESRGroups Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania TELKOMNIKA IEEJ Group of publications

Subject: Electronics and Communication Technology
S.No 1 2 3 Name of the Journal African Journal of Information and Communication Technology International Journal of Electronics International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering &Technology (IJECET) International Journal of Power Electronics International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering Research and Development (IJECERD) International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISSN Online and Print
ISSN: 1449-2679 0020-7217 (Print), 1362-3060 (Online) ISSN Print: 0976- 6464 ISSN Online: 0976 -6472 ISSN online: 1756-6398 ISSN print: 1756-638X

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher
Baton Rouge, LA: Southern University, AICTRG Taylor & Francis IAEME

0.1056 2.9230 3.5930 1.9560 1.5023

0.7012 2.7480 0.8500 1.7097 0.2901 1.7300 0.1729

4 5

Interscience Publishers PRJ Publication

6 7

ISSN online: 1755-9359 ISSN print: 1755-9340 ISSN: 0976-9290

1.9502 0.3210

Interscience Publishers Chief Editor

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

ELECTRICAL AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING FOR APPLIED RESEARCH Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications International Journal of Sensor Networks Microelectronics International Journal of Electronic Publishing (JEP) REV Journal on Electronics and Communications EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SDIWC International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control The Open Electrical & Electronic Engineering Journal

ISSN: 1744-2400 ISSN online: 1748-0701 ISSN print: 1748-0698 ISSN: 0867-6747 (print version) ISSN online: 1748-1287 ISSN print: 1748-1279 1356-5362 ISSN 1080-2711 ISSN: 1859-378X

0.4367 2.3400 1.8032 1.2760 2.7910 0.4670 0.3790 1.1850

0.1092 2.1090 1.7680 1.4570 2.4509 0.4291 0.1270 1.0790 0.0901 0.2210 0.1031

SoftMotor Ltd Interscience Publishers Institute of Telecommunications, Poland Interscience Publishers Emerald Group Publishing Limited MPublishing, University of Michigan Library IEEE Communications Society - Vietnam Chapter SpringerOpen The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications Bentham Science Publisher Bentham Science Publisher

ISSN 2225-658X (online)

0.1290 0.2560 0.0921

ISSN: 2210-3279 (Print) ISSN: 2210-3287 (Online) ISSN: 1874-1290

Subject: Computer, Database and Information technology
S.No 1 2 3 Name of the Journal INFORMATION JOURNAL International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology (IJCET) Journal of Information Technology ISSN Online and Print
ISSN 1343-4500, EISSN 1344-8994 ISSN Print: 0976 – 6367 ISSN Online: 0976 – 6375 ISSN: 0268-3962

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher
Prof. Lei Li, Hosei University, Koganei, Japan IAEME Palgrave Macmillan

2.1035 3.9580 4.8030

1.9540 1.0425 3.6930

4 5 6 7 8 9

Journal of Computer Applications Research and Development (JCARD) Asian Journal of Information Technology International Journal of Graphics and Multimedia(IJGM) Asian Journal of Physical Education and Computer Science in sports International Journal of Information Technology and Management information System (IJITMIS) International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Research and Development (IJCSERD) International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology International Journal of Soft Computing International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (IJITDM) Journal of Information Technology Impact (JITI) Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications International Journal of Software Engineering Central European Journal of Computer Science Advances in Data Analysis and Classification

EISSN: 1466-4437 ISSN Print 2248 – 9304 ISSN Online 2248 – 9312 ISSN : 1993-5994 (Online) ISSN : 1682-3915 (Print) ISSN Print: 0976 - 6448 ISSN Online: 0976 -6456 ISSN 0975--7732 (Print) ISSN Print: 0976 - 6605 ISSN Online: 0976 - 6413 ISSN (Print) 2248-9363 ISSN (Online)2248-9371 ISSN (online) : 1694-0814 ISSN : 0974-6471 ISSN : 1816-9503 (Print) Print ISSN: 0219-6220 Online ISSN: 1793-6845 ISSN 1098-139X

1.7017 1.2679 1.1680 0.5190 1.7251 1.9022 0.3418 0.1890 0.5790 5.3681 0.5600 0.7210 0.9210 0.7621 0.2190 0.2930 2.5890

0.6010 0.9620 0.1845 0.3890 0.3780 0.8215 0.2480 0.1019 0.3734 4.8900 0.3690 0.4178 0.8130 0.5078 0.1721 0.1269 2.4900

PRJ Publication Medwell Publishing IAEME Indian Federation of Computer Science in Sports IAEME PRJ Publication

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Dr Tristan Vanrullen Chief Editor Oriental Scientific Publishing Company Medwell Publishing World Scientific Publishing Co. Dr. Stamos Karamouzis, Editor Regis University Ivy League Publishing Versita, Warsaw SERSC Software Engineering Competence Center (SECC) Versita, co-published with Springer Verlag Springer

ISSN: 1097-198X 1641-876X (Print) ISSN: 1738-9984 ISSN: 16876954 EISSN: 20901801 ISSN: 1896-1533 (print) ISSN: 2081-9935 (electronic) ISSN: 1862-5347 (print version)


Computer Science - Research and Development

ISSN: 1862-5355 (electronic version) ISSN: 1865-2034 (print version) ISSN: 1865-2042 (electronic version) ISSN: 1063-8016, EISSN: 1533-8010 ISSN : 0975-5705 (Online) 0975-5985(Print)




22 23

Journal of Database Management International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS )

1.5400 0.3580

1.2590 0.2670


Subject: Arts, Science, Library Science, Education and Others
Name of the Journal JOURNAL OF APPLICABLE CHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Indian Geographical Quest Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing INDIAN STREAMS RESEARCH JOURNAL The Journal of Architecture Malaysian Journal of Educational Technology JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice International Journal of Theology and Reformed ISSN Online and Print
2278-1862 2277 – 3533 2277 – 3584 Print ISSN 2231-668X

Journal Impact Factor 2012

Journal Impact Factor 2011

Name of the Publisher
Prof. Kaza Somasekhara Rao Nagaland University IAEME Shivaji University Geography Teachers Association's Neil Publications, India Dr. Ashok Yakkaldevi

1.2910 1.7100 0.6071 0.4701 0.2105 0.7210 0.7490 0.1045 0.5021 0.6956

Not Calculated

0.4321 0.3930 0.1300 0.3470 0.6064 0.2539 0.5730 0.3934

2229-5356 2230-7850

ISSN 2249 9326 (Print) 1675-0292 No ISSN provided ISSN 1540-580X 2141-8179

Chandigarh College of Architecture Malaysian Educational Technology Association JCPS Nova Southeastern University Society for Research and

Tradition International Journal of Research in Arts and Social Sciences INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (IJBT) Journal Of Indian Leather Technologists' Association (JILTA) Journal of Library Science and Information Technology (JLSIT) Journal of Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists (JSLTC) Journal of Library and Information Science International Journal of Library Science INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICS (IJP)

0.3280 1.0360 3.6790 0.4290 0.7211 0.2390 3.8378

Not Calculated

2277 - 3541 2277 – 3673

Academic Excellence, University of Nigeria, Nigeria Society for Research and Academic Excellence, University of Nigeria, Nigeria PRJ PUBLICATION

Not Calculated

OMICS Publishing Group IAEME Indian Leather Technologists' Association PRJ PUBLICATION Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists University of Delhi CESER Publications IAEME

Not Calculated

2.5278 1.1290 0.3892
Not Calculated

ISSN 0970-714 X ISSN: 0975-7546

1.2789 0.4581 0.3821

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Scholarly Journal Article Analysis

...By the common definition a Scholarly Journal Article is a substantial work of scholarship published in a scholarly journal following a formal process of peer review.(3) The article is based on the particular research, that has been completed. It has a clear structure with such elements: abstract, introduction, method and materials of the research, results, discussion of the research and references (1). Target audience of Scholarly Journal Articles is limited. It is another scientists, the interested students. As opposed to Scholarly Journal Article, Popular Magazine Article is a periodic publication containing pictures and stories and articles of interest to those who purchase it or subscribe to it(2).They are written by the people who do not have any specialty or higher education degree. The...

Words: 469 - Pages: 2

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International Journal for Research Technology & Seminar

...International Journal for Research Technology & Seminar (IJRTS) [Double-blind Peer-reviewed Multidisciplinary Referred Journal] Copyright & Reprint Information: © International Journal for Research Technology & Seminar All rights reserved. All articles are open access articles distributed under “International Journal for Research Technology & Seminar” Reading License, which permits restricted use. Entire contents are copyright by of “International Journal for Research Technology & Seminar” unless otherwise noted on specific articles. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission. The opinions and statements made in this book are those of the authors concerned. Ultra-culture has not verified and neither confirms nor denies any of the foregoing and no warranty or fitness is implied. Engage with the contents herein at your own risk. The use of this journal, and the terms and conditions for our providing information, is governed by our Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy given on our By referring / using / reading / any type of association / referencing this journal, this signifies and you acknowledge that you have read them and that you accept and will be bound by the terms thereof. We do not have any policy of refunds/ replacements/ sending of back issues. All information, journals, this journal...

Words: 2968 - Pages: 12

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Merc Global's International Journal of Management

...MERC Global’s International Journal of Management (MERC Global’s IJM) is an international peer-reviewed quarterly journal of management science, being brought out with a view to facilitating effective dissemination of the latest thinking and research with respect to various management issues and problem solving methodology relevant for practicing executives as well as for academicians and researchers working in the field of management around the globe. MERC Global’s International Journal of Management is a quarterly journal published in the month of January, April, July and October each year. Volume 1, Issue 1 is available at: Volume 1, Issue 1 is available at: CALL FOR PAPERS Authors are invited to submit articles, research papers, abstract of doctoral dissertations, book reviews, case studies, short communications & bibliographies for MERC Global's International Journal of Management, which is an international peer-reviewed quarterly journal of management science, being brought out with a view to facilitating effective dissemination of the latest thinking and research with regard to various management issues and problem solving methodology relevant for practicing executives as well as for academicians and researchers working in the field of management around the globe. The author(s) can submit the soft copy of manuscript in MS Word format after preparing...

Words: 261 - Pages: 2

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The Wall Street Journal

...Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal The Wall...

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Teacher Assessments

...As a teacher it is your responsibility to not only present new material to the student but to teach them and to verify and monitor what information they are actually obtaining and processing. There are many forms of assessments that teachers can use to evaluate students understanding of lesson material. I will suggest a few methods that I will use in my secondary education mathematics classroom. The first strategy of monitoring I will discuss will be quizzes. There are multiple advantages for this form of testing. First, is that it easily produces recorded data. I can quickly grade multiple choice questions and record the students’ grade. Being able to record this grade will allow me to present scores to the parents when I am asked for a student’s progress. Another advantage to a quiz is the ability to assess both the entire class and each individual’s understanding on a topic. I will be able to look at the overall measurement and decide whether there is a need to review the topic or lesson, or if the class is ready to advance in the given studies. Also, by presenting multiple quizzes through the term the students and I can create a set format, which can help ease classroom anxiety. Another form of monitoring students’ progression through a lesson is homework. Homework can be one of the most effective methods for tracking mathematical progress. Assigning, collecting and grading homework can be a very timely way to gather information on how each student is progressing through...

Words: 1003 - Pages: 5

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Relationship Essay

...goals.These moments that I share in this special relationship shape me to grow from the past and prepare for the future. Unfettered,capabilities to share my innermost thoughts allowed captivated watch as I begin to blossom into a mature strong being able to stand back and marveled as the story unfolded. A connection so powerful that others long for the ability to have their words caressed and accepted. My aptitude to cope with the grind of life increased as the pages filled up. The ivory shelf above my bed cradled the secret books housing the foundation of character built over the years, strengthen by an everlasting, unbreakable, and irreplaceable bond.Each page of my journal is a connection that provides me with the ability to purge, enhances personal growth, and tells the world my story. Writing in a journal is a means to purge. The remembrance of hastening home knowing that serenity would come once Iexpelled the battle rampant in my head, enabled me to function and endure long hours bursting with the bile of sentiments blaring for discharge.When reflecting...

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Ghost Ghost

...How to Find Specific Journal Articles: (by Mark James) This is a step-by-step guide to finding specific research articles that you have been given the complete reference for (e.g. for seminar readings listed on Moodle, or for articles cited in lectures). To find articles when you do not have a full reference for (e.g. when you’re looking for research on a topic/theory/model generally) please refer to the slide “Finding Sources” of the Study Skills slides provided on Moodle. All seminar readings are available to download via the University of Kent library website using the following steps. Example - how to find: Poropat, A.E. (2009). A meta-analytic analysis of the five-factor model of personality and academic performance. Psychological Bulletin, 135 (2), 322-38. Step 1: Go to - click ‘Search for journals” and enter title of the journal (e.g. Psychological Bulletin) here: Step 2: Click on one of the search results: Some journals are accessible through multiple providers (e.g. PsycARTICLES, Academic Search Complete, Wiley-Blackwell Full Collection), with varying levels of access. Check the date of the article you’re searching for was published and select a provider which holds the journal published that year. Step 3: A new window will pop up, and you will be asked to input your Kent username and password. Once provided you will be taken to the journal providers website. Select the year the reading was published (e.g. 2009)...

Words: 289 - Pages: 2

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...Since the very beginning of my days as a student, I have despised literature. English has always been a subject that I dreaded. I do not loathe literature solely for my lack of writing skills, because I do enjoy reading, rather it’s the fact that I tend to lose my train of thought while writing an essay or while brainstorming an idea I want to address. I struggle with organizing my thoughts and making concise relationsHIPS[?][CONNECTIONS?] between literary texts and the assignments given by my teachers. The only time I do enjoy writing is when I can write freely in my journal. By writing in a journal, I do not worry about the grammar and organized aspect of writingCOMMA and it clears my mind. I find that I am able to write what I feel [easier ]MORE EASILY in my private journal versus writing an essay that will be graded. [NICE INTRO – CONTRARY TO YOUR TITLE, THIS SEEMS AS THOUGH IT’S GOING TO BE ABOUT YOUR JOURNAL WRITING VS. ACADEMIC WRITING, NOT GRAMMAR? ALSO, YOU NEED TO GET RID OF THIS EXTRA LINE BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS.] During [my ]seventh grade, in middle school, I had a very tough English teacher. Mrs. Carson was a very nice person outside of class[,]SEMI-COLON howeverCOMMA her toughness really displayed itself when she graded papers. Her main focus[ed] was grammar and clean organization rather than THE ideas of the topic. The entire year I struggled with her; each assignment I struggled to form my papers the way she would want and failed to remember the grammar rules and...

Words: 1059 - Pages: 5

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Family Dynamics

...The Dynamics of Writing and Family “Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand." -- Bruce Fairchild Barton, advertising executive and congressman Uncle would say, "There are certain inalienable truths you must accept." So when I raged about Atheists being disqualified for holding office in Arkansas or how it's illegal to carry a bible in Singapore, he'd say, "Write it down. Let it out." I've filled four journals. On an idle Thursday, when my mind was free of frustration, I read the crumpled, yellowed pages of my black leather journal and saw a natural progression from black to color. I had precisely captured all my experiences, but in an entirely aesthetic way. From then on, every time I opened my journal, I found myself in an unfamiliar environment writing to capture a mood or scene with creative language. It was my therapeutic getaway from reality. In the summertime, every Sunday, after taking a rattling cold bus, two smoky, humid subway trains, and picking up the best peanuts on 114th street, I would arrive at Riverside Park, New York. I wrote at least one piece every time I was there and shared my work with the same old man who perused the New York Times and the same skinny college student who sunbathed in her bikini. After noting any criticism they gave, I would return home, edit and embellish each piece. ...

Words: 1273 - Pages: 6

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Business Research Methods Res/351

...Medical Journals and the Failure of Trust” the issue of pharmaceutical businesses and their research, and how it is presented is outlined. The article covers one of the largest controversies with business research conducted by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and how the results were skewed and then reported by many medical journals as fact, even though the research did not support what was reported. The study was GSK 329, which showed a particular drug to be effective in adolescents with depression, even though the testing showed otherwise. (Jureidini & McHenry, 2011) The biggest unethical behavior that was demonstrated by GSK, and medical journals was the skewing of results of a study. Medical journals published articles that misrepresented the findings of GSK’s research. Internal reports by the company showed that their trials of the drug had failed to benefit adolescents with depression, and positively showed that there were negative results. (Jureidini & McHenry, 2011) The internal report states that “it would be commercially unacceptable to include a statement that efficacy had not been demonstrated, as this would undermine the profile of paroxetine,” and that “to effectively manage the dissemination of data in order to minimize any potential negative commercial impact.” (Jureidini &McHenry, 2011) This indicates that they skewed the results of the study so that only selective data would be published. The authors also place blame on the medical journals that published...

Words: 854 - Pages: 4

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Library Scavenger Hunt

...Name: Talicia WoodardCourse: 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information LiteracyDate: 12/12/14Instructor: Nicole Rhoades | GCU Fleming Library Scavenger Hunt and Gathering Resources Worksheet Overview: The GCU Fleming Library will be a vital resource for you during your academic career. The Library contains a wealth of resources that will help you find, research, and broaden your understanding on any given topic. Learning to correctly use resources to support your writing is an essential component of your academic success. Directions: Each step of this assignment will ask you to navigate and explore different components of the GCU Fleming Library. There are seven steps, each containing a question. Record your answers to the questions in the appropriate sections. Before starting this Scavenger Hunt, review the short walk-through tutorial on the GCU Fleming Library. This tutorial consists of five short segments: If you have time, you can also attend the GCU Library Introduction Webinar. Sign up on this page: Step 1: How to Access the Library There are a number of ways to access the library’s website. Use one of these to reach the Library Research & Resources page: 1. Go directly to the GCU Library Research & Resources page by typing into your Internet browser and clicking “Enter”. ...

Words: 2229 - Pages: 9

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Database Search

...The two databases that I searched were the British Journal of Nursing and RCNi (Royal College of Nursing). I chose them because I wanted to focus on the actual practice of critical care nursing and knowing how to notice if a patient was deteriorating. I thought that these databases would have the most relevant articles to what I was looking for. The first article that I found was on British Nursing Journals. “All of the articles from this database are written by nurses and are subject to review by leading authorities in the profession” (British Journal of Nursing, 2016). I thought that this would be most helpful because it is coming from someone who has actually has experience in the profession, not just someone who is doing research on it. The article that I found discussed how it is important to not only assess the five main vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, and pulse) but also take into account a patient’s pain, level of consciousness, and also watch their urine output. According to Elliott and Coventry (2012), this will help the nurse to recognize that the patient is deteriorating. The second article that I chose was from the Royal College of Nursing (RCNi). RCNi is included in a group of 11 publications by Nursing Standard and is the United Kingdom’s top selling journals (RCNi, 2016). I chose this database for the same reason that I chose the first. This particular article was written by a nurse who was observing practices...

Words: 453 - Pages: 2

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Assignment 3

...that will take us briefly through the research process. Let’s pretend that we’re all taking an ENGL 1001 class this semester and that we are required to write a paper on a current event, issue, or controversy. As part of our research for the paper, we are required to complete an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Our instructor has informed us that we need to use 6 total sources for our annotated bibliography: * 3 must be scholarly journal articles * 3 can be a mix of popular articles, reference sources, internet sources, images, statistical sources, etc. * The information must be current, and must not have publication dates or cover dates before the year 2000 * You must cite articles in the APA style. We know that the first thing we should do as researchers is look up the topic in a reference source to gain a bit of knowledge about the topic, become familiar with the vocabulary used to write about and discuss the topic, and to start noting the cited references included in entries that will lead us to other sources of information. Our first stop is our Reference Sources. Search for Traumatic Brain Injury in Wikipedia. Ideally, in a true research situation,...

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