It was a warm, cloudy, winter day in Gordon, Wisconsin. The trees were leafless and brown, with the exception of the pine trees which had all their green needles still hanging on to the tree. Julianne, Anja and their dog Flynn were going out to their fort by the river that flowed behind their house.
Julianne Huesby was a thirteen-year-old girl. She was tall, slim and blond. She also had a kind personality and was not quick to anger. Anja Huesby, Julianne’s sister, was also tall and blond. She was fifteen and had a more broad physique. She too had a kind temperament and could always be counted on to settle a fight if it wasn’t between her and Julianne. Flynn on the other hand was a dog. He was a two-year-old sheltie-spaniel mix which…show more content… She couldn’t wait to work on the fort that she and Julianne (well, not really Julianne) had made. A tree had fallen several years ago making a type of overhanging that she had put sticks on. It was a carproof screen. She had also made a second one similar to the first just a few feet away from it. But this one had a pine tree as a roof, not an oak tree.
They got to the the fort a couple of minutes later. Julianne went straight off to the iced covered waterfront, took her “ax” (a hard stick with a hammer-like end she had found) and started to break the ice that she could reach. When the ice started floating down stream it was stopped by two logs barricading the river. In order to clear the ice away, Julianne climbed out on the logs and helped the ice go under them and on down the river. She continued to do this while thinking how nice a day it was and wishing they could go swimming. Anja was having trouble. There was this big hole in the wall of the fort and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t seem to get it closed. Frowning she went to go find a pine branch to place over it. All of a sudden there was the whooshing sound of an engine of a car. Anja threw herself flat of the ground behind some trees and shouted