Premium Essay

Julius Caesar's Later Triumphs

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In the above passage, it describes the first triumph, it was not an elaborate affair that later Triumphs had become. It was simple, but a grand and joyous affair. The later triumphs became a way to out do the ones before, as stated in the following sentence: “But in our day the triumph had become a very costly and ostentatious pageant, and was accompanied by a theatrical pomp designed rather to display wealth than to mark bravery, and it has completely changed from its ancient simplicity” (Knight 2018). The triumphs were a way for the generals, or elites to celebrate the victories they have had over the defeated. By displaying their spoils and prisoners of war in the front of the parade, it allows the citizens of Rome to be able to stare and ogal at the prizes …show more content…
For example, Suetonius explained that one of the triumphs held by Julius Caesar was lighted up the Capital “with forty elephants bearing lamps on his right and his left” and another example is “his soldiers, among the mocking songs which are usually sung by those who followed the chariot” (Knight 2018). These two examples of many that could show how the triumph became from such a simple parade into a competition between leaders, to see who could have the largest, most extravagent triumph. Similar to what was mentioned above about the parade, Ward (2016) expresses the triumph as “the hight of the public glorification of warfare was the triumph”. There are no better words of explaining whatthe triumph meant to the citizens of Rome. He also expressed “Such spectacles were not to be missed” (Ward 2016). As we have see from the passage above, Ward was correct in saying that triumphs were never missed, they were a major part of Romes history right back to the founding of Rome, it was a long standing tradition that everyone attended to reward those who come home from the war

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