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Jupiter Research Paper

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1. Jupiter can fit 1,300 earths inside it Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system by far. With a diameter of 545,891.7 miles, it is eleven times wider than earth. The gas giant Jupiter, is more than twice as big as all the planets combined. It’s insane mass, 1 Octillion, 848 septillion, 130 sextillion. If Jupiter was 80 times more massive than it would be a star. The planet could make its own little solar system with all the moons. Jupiter has a greater gravitational pull and magnetic field. A 100 pound person on earth would weigh 253 pounds on Jupiter.

2. Jupiter has 4,333 Earth day orbit, also has the shortest day The orbit size around the Sun is 483,638,564 miles. That is 5.203 times Earth’s orbit size. It takes 43 minutes for sunlight to travel from The Sun to Jupiter. Jupiter has a ten hour rotation or day. The planet’s equator rotates at a rapid speed of 28,273 miles per hour, faster than the polar regions rotate of Jupiter. Since Jupiter is a gas giant the planet do not rotate all together as a sphere, it …show more content…
There are 16 moons provisional moons which means that they are pretty sure on the existence of the 16 moons it they have to wait for the orbit of the moons to get the complete evidence that they are really moons. Jupiter has four large moons, named Lo, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Ganymede is the biggest of the four and and the biggest moon in the solar system. Ganymede is so huge it is even bigger than mercury. The Europa moon is very unique because there is a chance that there is an ocean of water underneath the crust. The main on Lo has volcanoes that erupt with sulfur. Calisto is most likely made up of dark material. Calisto is also very old and has lots of craters on it. Three of the moons; Ganymede, Europa, and Lo will all face the same way because when Ganymede revolves once around Jupiter, Europa revolves twice and Lo revolves four times every time Ganymede

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