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Juvenile Correctional Facilities

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Over 100,00 juvenile can be found in out-of home juvenile correctional facilities on any given day of the year (Fields and Abrams, 2010). Juveniles’ perceptions of correctional facilities and their transition back into the community can have a profound impact on the Juvenile justice system as a whole. By studying how juveniles see the system and their own transition, researchers are able to identify “problem areas” and thus create better practices that can be put into place to help fill in the gaps. My research will focus on how adolescent offenders view juvenile correctional facilities and their reentry back in to the community. I seek to fully understand the views of a correctional facility though the eyes of those who experience …show more content…
Main concern areas were education, jobs, finances, gang involvement and violence, and staying out of trouble with the law. Unfortunately for youth offenders, transitioning from juvenile detention facilities face a multitude of challenges involved in reentry. Fields et al (2010), Baltodano (2005), and Abrams (2006) all noted that juvenile delinquents face challenges including, but not limited to transitioning back to school, family dysfunction, negative peer relations and placement issues after being released from the detention …show more content…
Out of the 120 interviewed, 52 of the juveniles implied that they had difficultly returning to school after release (Baltodano). There were various different reasons that students were unable to return to school. Some stated there was simply too much work they had missed, and could not back it up. Others stated that they found school to structured for their liking, and a handful of juvenile said that drugs hindered their return back to academic life. Fields et al (2010) noted that many youth reported former school issues before their detention stay. Most juveniles stated that they would like, and need to complete high school or attend some basic college programs once released. Fields et al (2010) found that females were more likely to have higher educational goals whereas males stated they would like to work instead of attend school or did not know what they were going to do.
(Placement after)
Many of the studies that I was able to look at showed a connection between juveniles return to the community and where they stated they would be staying after their release from the facility. Baltodano (2005) found that 52% of the juveniles interviewed stated that they were to return home after detention. There was also 19% who were unsure of where they would be headed after release. Further investigation into the study found that those juveniles

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