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Gunpowder Weapons Research Paper

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In creating gunpowder weapons, European engineers took a Chinese innovation and made a deadly weapon of war. From the start, this was as much about artillery as handheld weapons. Artillery has changed dramatically over the years. Some of the earliest records of gunpowder artillery are found in the 14th century, and as far from China as they could possibly be and in the hands of English armies at that. An English manuscript of 1327 shows an early depiction of artillery, which would then see use on the battlefields of the Hundred Years War. Cr?cy (1346) may have been decided by archers, but it was remembered by many participants as the day they first heard the cannon?s roar.
Hard to move due to their weight and dangerous to use due to a tendency …show more content…
Frederick understood that the greatest threat to massed infantry was concentrated artillery fire. He realized that even small and relatively light guns could severely disrupt or destroy infantry units if they could be brought in close enough and fire often enough. But since even light foot artillery travelled at the speed of a marching soldier, the solution was to make every artilleryman a part-time horseman. Through relentless drill and discipline Frederick emphasized mobility and speed in all phases of their operations. The unit consisted of a battery of six 6-pound cannons with 48 men, including 3 officers. The battery was wiped out and reformed twice in that same year at the Battle of Kunersdorf and the Battle of Maxen. Despite the setbacks, the new arm had proved so successful that it was quickly reorganized and by the start of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1792 consisted of three companies of 605?men, with batteries consisting of eight 6-pound guns and one 7-pound mortar

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