Premium Essay

Juvenile Justice and Rehabilitation


Submitted By pamelacole
Words 2500
Pages 10
Juvenile Justice and Rehabilitation

When discussing rehabilitation or punishment for juvenile delinquents, I believe there should be rehabilitation over punishment. Granted there are numerous cases that completely warrant punishment, but punishment isn’t always the answer. Adults are usually given second, third and fourth chances to change their lives. And sometimes rehabilitation isn’t involved. I believe since adolescents still have plenty of time to get counseling or learn about themselves and why they acted the way they did, there is always an opportunity for them to change. Adolescents don’t have the same thought process as adults. They tend to react emotionally, so if their emotions are flying high, adolescents aren’t always able to stop themselves from doing something foolish or harmful to others. This is also the point in their life when they are becoming curious about how their bodies are changing. Also add in drug or alcohol experimentation and that’s a recipe for trouble.
There are numerous supporters for rehabilitation, just like there are individuals against it. As long as there is a juvenile justice system, there will always be a debate. One person that agrees with rehabilitation is Kurt Kumli, a supervising deputy district attorney for the Santa Clara County’s Juvenile Division in California. Mr. Kumli (2001) stated that there are different methods that work on different kids. But the one thing that is constant, is the need to get to the kids “sooner, than later”. Kids are still reachable when they are at that stage where they feel no one cares about them .Judge LaDoris Cordell also believes the juvenile justice system can benefit an adolescent that wants to turn their life around. Judge Cordell (2001) believes the beauty of the juvenile justice system is that it can be applied and modified to deal with the needs of the particular juvenile. She

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