...the possibility of parole. This sentence would not equal to a life that he took away. I believe that juveniles who commit crime should be charged as adults, they have committed a first or second degree murder and it is the victims families right to believe the convict deserves to pay the sentence. One reason why juveniles should be tried as adults is because the crime they have committed is a serious crime. “Fourteen-year-old Brazil, charged in last May’s shooting of middle-school teacher Grunow, was found guilty of second-degree murder” (Thompson 1). Brazil was a juvenile who committed a murder. This murder was intentional and he had the desire to kill his teacher. “but prosecutors argued that by...
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...Every year there are millions of people committing crimes, but the crimes committed by juveniles gets the most attention from the public. During the recent years, more and more teens get sentenced as an adult. They sent teens from the juveniles’ courts to the adult courts. Their crimes are viewed more harshly and critically, which explain the reason why they are being tried as an adult. Many people gave different kind of opinion on this kind of topic, whether or not teens get tried as adults. There are many articles that address this topic and their claim on this controversial topic. Some of the articles that review this matter are “Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life Sentence” by Gail Garinger, “On Punishments and Teen Killers” by Jennifer Jenkins, and “Kids are Kids- Until They Commit Crimes” by Marie Lundstorm. They both have their own opinions and knowledge on this topic. My position in this issue is juveniles don’t deserve to be tried as adults. There has been a relentless amount of fear in the public about juveniles making...
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...January 2015 Abstract Do you believe that juveniles should ever be tried as adults? If so, in what situations and why? That question that was put forth to fifteen different people in a survey. Along with the survey, several articles related to the question were researched This survey and the research on the articles was done in order to gather enough information to present both sides of this issue. The results show that almost all of the fifteen people had very similar responses. The articles that were relative to this question offered very good arguments for both sides. Fourteen of the fifteen people surveyed immediately responded by saying that it all depended on the seriousness of the crime committed. For the more serious crimes such as murder, rape, and any other crime that results in the victim being harmed, it was almost unanimous that yes, the juvenile should be tried as an adult. The results of the survey showed that fourteen out of the fifteen people felt that an individual capable of committing such crimes should be tried as adults. Should Juveniles Ever Be Tried as Adults? There has been much research and discussion regarding this question. There are many people who feel as if juveniles should be tried as adults, and likewise, there are many people who feel that juveniles should be tried only in juvenile courts. It is a question that requires much research in order for somebody to reach an intelligent decision. This essay will present information that has been gathered...
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...Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults Hope Penson Effective Essay Writing/ Com 150 March 28, 2010 Instructor: Brandy W. Kreisler Should Juveniles be tried as Adults? The United States is the world leader in convicting children as adults. Unfortunately once a child is charged as an adult the likelihood of a fair trial is very small. Over the past 30 years there have been changes in many states laws which have led to a dramatic increase in the number of juveniles tried as adults and housed in adult jails and prisons. These get tough laws have made it easier for more and younger juvenile offenders to be prosecuted in criminal court. The purpose of juvenile court is to treat, not deter. Changing the social environment in which juveniles live is a more effective way to reduce juvenile violence than punishing the juvenile offenders in adult courts. The premise of the juvenile court is sound since children have not filly matured, they shouldn’t be held to the same standards of accountability as adults. In some states certain juvenile offenders are automatically tried as adults. Even though juveniles are committing serious crimes at an alarming rate they are not being reformed because juveniles being charged as adults do not comprehend the nature of their crimes. What is America to do? Is charging them as adults reforming them or contributing to the problem once they return to society. The Illinois Juvenile Court...
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...Lattesha Kirkland Professor Crawford ENG 101 12 June 2014 Essay 2 Youth are Charge as an Adult In the United States there are a lot of crimes being committed by youth, most of these crimes are serious enough for these children to be charged as an adult. These children are being over charged. They are still children just committing adult crimes. When these youth are tried as adults it exposes these juveniles to state prisons without parole and even execution. In addition, it is over 2,500 child offenders serving life without parole in United State prisons for crimes committed before they 18th birthday. Therefore, youth should not be tried as adults because they are being over charged for these crimes. One reason that youth should not be charged as adults is that it’s just a double standard on these children. These juveniles don’t have full brain development to even know the outcome of the crimes committed. The thing about youthful offenders is that no one seems to care about them. Most people don't like the youth of America, even the good ones can be unpleasant. Combine the feeling they have toward the average teenager with the fear inspired by youth violence, and you have a population that no one wants to deal with. There is a disturbing trend of increasing violence among young people. "Uniformly in our communities, more young people are engaging...
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...Should Minors Who Commit Violent Crimes Be Tried As Adults? Thesis Statement Many adults come up with many reasons why youth involve themselves with acts of violence, there is never an actual answer to why they committed the crime, but the question of why they are being tried as an adult. Vicious misconduct is well-defined by the Division of Juvenile Justice as “murder, rape, severe attacks, and theft. These are all actions that sound terrible and cause for harsh consequences. Unluckily, there is an increasing development of adolescent violence; even “kids” under the age of sixteen are engaging in these vicious acts. When a child comes of age, they advance to being able to enjoy but not abuse adult liberties. Adolescents attain a numerous freedoms like the right to vote, buy a home, and buy tobacco goods and alcohol, however most importantly they become responsible for their behavior. Many aren’t aware of the temptations that come about once the age of maturity is reached. The mature criminal justice system is not meant to meet the desires of adolescent offenders. Solution (s) to Problems There are three problems when it comes to trying a child as an adult; it is impossible for a juvenile to stay alive in such harsh environments such as adult prison because of the age bracket and the absence of adulthood which can sometimes be taken advantage of by other offenders. Juveniles who are positioned in adult prisons are more likely to be repeat offenders because they become accustomed...
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...Juvenile Delinquent Henrietta Watson AIU Online Abstract This paper is a definition essay that explains the term juvenile delinquent. Juvenile delinquent is a person under the legal age that breaks the law. This essay will give the reader a lot of information about the term juvenile delinquent. Juvenile Delinquent Juvenile delinquents are minors usually defined as being between the ages of 10 and 18 years old who have committed some act that violates the law. Crimes committed by minors are called delinquent acts. The juvenile has an adjudication after which he or she will have a disposition and a sentence. Juvenile proceedings differ from adult proceedings in a number of ways. Delinquents will fall into two categories. The first type of delinquent act is one that would be considered a crime that a adult would commit. Some jurisdictions will even try children as adults for serious crimes. When children are tried as juveniles, parents are required to pay the court cost for their child. The second type of delinquent act is one that wouldn’t be a crime that an adult would perform. These types are known as age- related or status crimes. The most common examples of age-related crimes are staying out past your curfew and truancy. There are different approaches that are used to define and explain juvenile delinquency which are the legal approach, social work approach, psychological approach, and sociological approach. The legal approach is based on standards...
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...Juvenile Justice Essay Juvenile should be try as an adult or not is an issue that had been discussed for a long time. There are arguments and reasons that they should be try or they should not. In the passage that was provided, there are both sides of the issue that the majority think that juvenile should not be in adult prison system but the minority think that they should be. In my opinion, I agree with the majority in the Supreme Court and believe that the juvenile should not be put in adult system even though they have committed a serious crime based on variety of reasons like their age and also about the situation that led them committed crime. From the arguments in the passage, the issue is that whether the juvenile should be put in adult prison or not. The Supreme Court had ruled that juveniles who committed a murder could not be sentenced to life prison because it’s violated the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. I agree with this idea because juvenile even though can commit a serious...
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...Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This is a landmark case because “The significance of Furman v. Georgia is that this case was the first case that was ruled violating the Eighth amendment and that it halted every man on death row in the United States” (study). But before the case reached the Supreme Court the case went on trial September 20, 1968 where Furman pleaded mentally ill and insane, the court rejected his plea and found him guilty of murder. Then, Furman appealed his conviction and sentence, based on the death penalty in Georgia violating the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution . The Eighth Amendment says the federal government may not use "cruel and unusual punishments” (Henson). The case was later tried in the Supreme Court January 17, 1972. The justices who won majority and reversed the case were William J. Brennan, Jr., William O. Douglas, Thurgood Marshall, Potter Stewart, Byron R. White, thus wining the final vote 5-4. The minority justices were Harry A. Blackmun, Warren E. Burger, Lewis F. Powell, Jr., William H. Rehnquist. The majority opinion was not written by one person, each justice wrote their own opinion to the court because none could agree on any one reason. Justice William O. Douglas wrote an opinion that best explained the court’s decision,...
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...Lord of the flies- Essay num1 – Tal Arnon In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding we witness a great number of offenses. Acting as the prosecution I would accuse Jack for some of his offenses. Statement of claim against Jack Merridew for his acts during the time at the island. First of all I would like to take preventive steps against two issues that might rise: lack of jurisdiction at the island and the fact that Jack is juvenile and is considered minor by law. I believe that looking away from these merciless offenses would be unjust, unfair to the victims and a danger to society. There are some examples of ruling in the past that Natural justice ("duty to act fairly") overcome the state laws such as "The Eichmann trial"- A jurisdiction matter and "The Weizman trial"- Sentencing a minor as an adult. This case should be an exception as well. The claims: * The attempted murder of Ralph- "Trying to unlawfully cause the death of a person" Attempted murder is an offense similar to first degree murder with the exception that an attempt is lacking the outcome of the offense (The death). As we can see in the book Jack mens rea (guiltily mind) was of intent ("intention- if one decided to kill, and killed or try to kill in cold blood, without provocation occurs immediately before the kill") to kill Ralph (Jack: "see? See? That’s what you'll get! I meant that! There isn’t a tribe for you any more…" page 181; The twins: "they're going to hunt you tomorrow" page 188)...
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...Compare and Contrast Essay In today’s society the majority of the crimes are still being committed by people who have possessed a firearm that has been obtained illegally or without proper permits. That being said there has been a strong push for gun control because of the rise of shootings involving a large group of people such as the Columbine massacre, Virginia Tech shooting and latest Aurora movie theater shooting involving people who have purchased firearms legally. Gun control laws in the United States have been established for many years but to maintain a civilized society with limited crime stronger control laws need to be enforced in which will help reduce crime in our country. Establishing stronger gun control laws will educate society, reduce the amount of accidental deaths, and decrease the number of violent crimes committed in our communities. An upright definition of gun control is necessary to understand the sides and issues relating to firearms. Educating Society The first step that should be taken by state legislators is to provide classes for young adults on the dangers of firearms. “An American citizen's right to own guns is upheld by the Second Amendment to the Constitution; However, many people feel that the amendment is outdated, and that gun control is of utmost importance in an increasingly violent society” (Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, 2012 p 6). The organizations such as The National Rifle Association "Believe that every law-abiding citizen...
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...Prison Reform YourFirstName YourLastName University title Michigan Prisons are Failing Inmates: An Argumentative Essay Introduction It has been reported by American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that huge amount of fund has been utilized to make Michigan prisons better and more humane. However, at the same time it has also been reported by Ann Arbor News and later confirmed by Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) there are several instances of abuse, deprivation of water and food in many of the prisons in the state of Michigan. Alongside, there is a serious issue of overcrowding (Spence, 2014). It can be clearly stated that despite huge flow of public money, Michigan prisons are failing the inmates with overcrowding, deprivation of water and food and abuse. Food issues Food issues are vital in prison and there can be serious consequences. Denial of food and water to inmates, particularly those serving solitary confinement is extremely inhuman and such practice should be stopped. However, there several reports that confirm this practice (Morrison, 2013). There are reports of mentally ill patients being denied food and water for a prolonged period (ACLU, 2014). The prison meant for women in Michigan (Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility) is accused of brutality as the employees starve inmates in solitary confinement. They are also subjected to odd cruel punishments as reported by American Civil Liberties, Michigan. Many accounts from witnesses’...
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...they showed his kind and calm side and it actually turned out to be a great movie. Another example of crime and the movies but on the other side of the law would be any of the “X-Men” series. These people may be mutants but most of them use their gifts for good rather than break the law. A classic example would be “Robin Hood”, he broke the law only to help those in need. (rottentomatoes.com) There are other examples where crime and the movies coexist on both sides of the law, whether it would be cheering for the good guy or cringing when a killer kills their victim, movies cannot show you the whole story and cannot show you the real justice system. During my research I came across this essay called “Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime?” (Dahl & DellaVigna, 2006) an excerpt from the essay caught my attention because I believe it is true. That excerpt says: “Warnings about media violence are largely based on the psychological research. As Anderson and Buschman (2001) summarize it, “Five decades of research into the effects of exposure to violent television and movies have produced thoroughly documented research findings. It is now known that even brief exposure to...
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...UNIT 1 Special Note: The argumentative essay is a very useful test of a student’s ability to think logically. Argue: v. 1. to persuade someone to do or not do something. 2. to give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc. Argumentative: adj. someone who is argumentative often argues or like arguing. Argument: n. a set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue, right or wrong etc. When you have an opinion and try to convince your listener or reader to accept your opinion, you are agreeing with or disagreeing with something. For example: In an everyday situation, you may try to convince a friend to go somewhere or in a composition or speech class, the instructor may make an assignment in which you must support or oppose the use of nuclear energy to produce electricity. If you agree or disagree on an issue, you will want your reader or listener to accept your point of view. There are a few types of argumentative compositions such as: 1. Advantages and disadvantages 2. Expressing opinions/providing solutions to problems 3. Expressing arguments for and against a topic 4. Compare and contrast something or somebody PURPOSE of ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS * An argument follows when two groups disagree about something. * People can have different opinions and can offer reasons in support...
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