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Kalam Cosmological Argument

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God is an all-powerful, all-knowing, and good God. He is also eternal and Omni-present. His existence was proven through faith and miracles. The idea of a perfect being has been converted into a source of disbelief and controversy. The idea of anything beyond the supernatural or spiritual make it very difficult for those to believe its authenticity, especially in Western societies. However, Jesus Christ is a vital figure in history. More books have been written about Christ than any other person (Maldonado).
Today those who are antagonistic would claim that The Big Bang Theory is what formed the Universe; living creatures, time itself, and everything else along with it. They would also bring to light how natural selection and evolution exist. For antagonists and or atheist the world was created by a chain of reactions. If an event where to happen it was caused by something outside itself. There is no actual evidence to the singular causational reaction that is what created the universe. The same could be said about evolution, Darwin himself could not answer his own question. Despite the fact that he made such an impact in science the question remained “How did evolution occur?”. Or how an animalistic brain …show more content…
The difference between God and the universe is that the universe has a creation in time. The argument explains that everything has a beginning in time and they also have a cause for their existence. With the universe having a cause, that cause of existence is God. However, those would argue the cause and or beginning in time for God. Being that everything has both a cause and a beginning in time. For God, However His existence is an uncaused cause. Others would also draw into question the proof of having a beginning of time for the Universe. There are mathematical and science behind proving the Universe not being infinite. If time were infinite individuals would never reach their present (Holt,

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