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Kamau Play Summary

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The play Kamau by Alani Apio exhibits a very strong example of the dramatic difference between the ways that local and non-local people view the value of land. The main character Alika is much attached to the land that his family has lived on for years, as the land has become their undeniable home. However, Alika’s boss, Jim, is employed at a company that has just bought the land that Alika and his family live on and plans to build a resort in place of Alika’s home. The land in question has two very different meanings to two very different people. The struggle and fight over land between locals and non-locals is a major issue that is focused on in the play Kamau. The play itself touches on more than simply Alika’s family losing the land they’ve made into a home, but the main events of the play are set in motion as a result of Alika getting the news from Jim that he has to move his family out of their home within a matter of months. He learns that the land …show more content…
What they goin’ do? Make us one touris’ attraction? Hah? You goin’ bring ‘em on youa tours down hea? (Imitating Alika.) “Here we are folks, here’s a poor Hawaiian family doing some traditional Hawaiian fishing!” So what, cuz, whatchua friends goin’ do fo’us poor Hawaiians?
Michael (43.)
When Michael says this, it is highly representative of how the tour company views the whole situation. After all, money talks, doesn’t it? And the tour company is seemingly going to stop at nothing for a buck. It is made clear that all of the technical aspects of the control over the land have been legally taken care of. The land simply does not belong to Alika, Michael, and their family. However, the discrepancy lies in the debate over morals, sentiments, and more importantly, the Hawaiian people’s slowly having parts of their identity and heritage robbed from them. Things of this nature have become very alienating for the Hawaiian race and they are not being treated with the respect that they

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