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Submitted By kasie13
Words 1081
Pages 5
When in a work environment that you do not enjoy and brings you down, you ultimately do not perform your job tasks to their full potential. Unfortunately, there are many people in the workplace who experience this, including me. After reading Fish! I realized how much my work experience and personal life was similar to Mary Jane’s in the book. I have found many ways to improve my work experience, my job tasks fulfillment and my life by adding these four elements into my daily routine. Choose your attitude, play, be there, and make their day are four essential elements that are a must-have in the workplace in order to improve it. You will improve it for not only yourself, but for everyone around you. When I wake up every morning, I sit on the side of my bed and analyze how tired I still am and how grumpy that will leave me for the remaining of the day. Why would I do that to myself? I am typically not a morning person and it takes me about thirty minutes and two cups of coffee to wake up and get motivated. On my drive into work I think of how hectic it’s going to be that day, how unpleasant my boss is going to be and how much his fiancé is going to annoy me. Every morning that I walk in, there is an odd silence between my boss and me. All he typically says is, “Can you make some coffee?” with his sullen look on his face. I think to myself, “Why can’t you do it?” Now that I have read Fish! from this day forward I will choose my attitude towards my boss and my life. When I wake up, I will no longer ponder about how tired I am. I will immediately get up and plan to have a great day because I do not have to be brought down by others. When I get to work, I will greet everyone with a smile and a cheerful “Good Morning!” I will offer to make my boss’s coffee so he doesn’t have the chance to give a sullen, grumpy look. It will surprise him and hopefully lighten his mood.

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