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Kennedy Elementary Bullying

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In this memo, I will discuss my progress in my report regarding ways to prevent bullying at Kennedy Elementary. The bullying in schools are the major reasons for the student’s bad educational progress. Bullying occurs all over the world, whether it is at an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a college, or a place of employment. It not only occurs in Butte, Montana but all over the world. Joe Fontana (1999) says that bullying is a form of violence that is seen most often in schools and is rarely recognized by adults. Bullying has effects on everyone, which can be permanent. In Butte, I’ve noticed that bullying seems to occur more in the elementary schools. I say this because my son, a sixth grader, has been bullied at …show more content…
School is a location where children are supposed to feel safe; today children are afraid to attend school because of bullying. Not only do students stand by and watch children get bullied nothing, but so do teachers, principals, school officials, and parents also neglect to act (Barone, 1995). There are parents and teachers that I have heard say that bullying is a small problem, and academic success is more important.
Parents, teachers, school officials and principals need to be diligent to help resolve the bullying in the schools. They need to not only talking to their child, but by also recognizing the warning signs, and helping to establish a safe and healthy environment. Adults need to be trained to talk about what bullying is, how it affects our children, and how to stop it. We as adults are obligated to keep not only our children safe but every …show more content…
I have also defined what bullying is and who is affected by it. Bullying occurs in schools and outside of schools. Teachers, principals, children and parents see when a child is getting bullied, but fail to step in to prevent it. Anyone can stop a child from getting bullied, it just depends who is willing to act.

Additional Work

My status on my feasibility project report I feel is almost complete, but I need to do a little more research because there is a lot of information out there. I still need to interview my son’s counselor at Kennedy Elementary regarding my subject; therefore, I will be doing my interview on October 30,2017. I also need to find a few other ways to resolve the bullying issue in the schools. I have found a few, but I am trying to figure out which one would be best. I am still doing a lot of editing and having friends and family proofread my project. Remaining Questions

How common is bullying? Are there differences in the bullying experiences of girls and boys? Are some children more likely to be bullied than others? What are the characteristics of children who bully? What are the consequences of

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