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Developmental Assessment

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Development assessment is integral in the care of the pediatric population. It is crucial that health care providers accurately and thoroughly assess all children to ensure that they are meeting their developmental goals. Unfortunately, there are children even those have contact with pediatric health care providers who have not been properly assessed. The biological functioning and the well-being of the pediatric population are also lacking. Last week’s discussion provided a great deal of information as to the factors that can contribute to the lack of services received by the pediatric population, which sometimes result in lower performance and outcome of the children.
Developmental assessment is highly important in the provision of primary …show more content…
The tools to be used will dependent upon the financial ability of the provider. As a future practitioner, I plan to use the tools the tools that are provided to me by the facility in which I will practice. However, if I had to choose, I would have chosen the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) to assess motor skills in children who are between the ages of four to sixty months old; this questionnaire assesses multiple areas of development to include communication, gross and fine motor skills, and social interactions (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). It has been proven to be a reliable tool and can be completed while the parent is waiting to be seen by the practitioner. According to the CDC (2015) this test can be administered by parents or someone who can read at a 6th grade level. The Parent’s Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) is another useful tool that can be used to assess children as it provides the mean for continued assessment from birth to 11 years (CDC, 2015). PEDS also assesses language, gross and fine motor skills, social-emotional aspects, self-help and academics. The extend period during which this tool can be sued during the lifespan of the child makes it my favorite because it enables the provider to have broader understanding of how the child has developed over time. Furthermore, this test only require 2-10 minutes to complete and it is written at 4th to 5th grade level, which makes it convenient and appropriate for many parents. The HEADSS questionnaire is also useful in the assessment of the adolescent

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