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Career Of Interest Research Paper

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My career of interest as of right now is to become a physician. I am currently majoring in biology with a minor in psychology. A physician is a medicine practitioner that based on the patient’s medical history, inform the patient on accurate and meticulous treatments. A physician work closely with nurses and other caretakers to provide care for their patients. Moreover, physician review test result to identify abnormalities, create a plan of treatment for the patient and well informs the patient about the test result and answer questions he/she have about he/she health. Furthermore, physician counsel patients on diet, hygiene and preventive healthcare. My interest in medicine is a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist specializes in the diagnosis and …show more content…
My secondary interest area is social. For my primary interest area, the description fit me perfectly because I highly value achievement, analysis, knowledge, and intelligence. Moreover, achievement and analytical are two of my leadership strengths, so it make perfect sense that it’s my primary interest area. I also believe that the secondary interest area is also accurate, except that I’m not generally a cheerful person, but I am responsible, which is also one of my leadership strengths as well. According to the career match from the interest inventory report, my five career matches are: medical scientists, biological science teacher, chemistry teacher, psychiatrists, and forestry and conservation science teacher. I am not a good teacher, especially when it’s scientific related, but I am a great mental counselor. I am very glad that my career interest, psychiatrist is in my top five career matches at a 95% …show more content…
The very first rank was Engineering and architecture, closely followed with installation, maintenance & repair along with management. I know myself to repair many things and build things from scratch, mostly because I refuse to let anyone build things for me, if I can figure it out myself. Moreover, I would rather repair the same material repeatedly than buy a new one. I believe that if I were to focus on architecture and repair, I would also succeed, but healthcare practitioners is also one of my top ranks, so I’ll continue getting my degree for it. My career interest, psychiatrist fit well above my skill sets. For most of the comparison, I was way above the required skills, except for reading comprehension. I’m actually very surprised by the result, because it indicates that this career interest is a safe net for my

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