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Ketogenic Diet Research Paper

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How Weight loss with ketogenic diet takes place?
Ketogenic diet is effective for losing weight since it sets the body in the way that the body should use the fats as the primary fuel source when there is no carbs. The problems with the current diet that causes the fat loss plateau is taking too much protein, not too much fat or taking the residual carbohydrates.
To stop this plateau, you have to increase the fat diet, reduce the calories from protein and take more vegetables. The Weight loss with ketogenic diet is based on different options. When you take a low carb diet, it will kill the appetite but this is done in a good way. Hunger is the enemy of any diet and when people are not able to stop eating, they may feel miserable and they may …show more content…
You have to know that not all the fat in your body are the same. The fat can affect your health depending on where it was stored. The fat is classified as visceral fat which found in the abdominal cavity with subcutaneous fat found under the skin. Visceral fat is found around organs and too much fat in such area may lead to inflammation, and insulin resistance. It is the leading driver for the metabolic dysfunction and it is common with western lifestyle. The low carb diet is an effective diet when it comes to reduce the harmful fats in your abdomen.
Many people recommend the use of Ketogenic diet for the weight loss. The reason for this is because the ketogenic diet fixes the problem with weight gain which is caused by the hormonal imbalance. This is because people do not gain weight simply because they overeat or they do not exercise. However, they eat too much because there is underlying hormonal imbalance that make them to overeat or lack of the energy to exercise.
When your hormones are not in good level, you will tend to eat more because you feel too much hunger. When you gain weight, the energy level will be lowered and exercising will be a problem for

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