Premium Essay

Kih Kjhrituh Kurheiuh Uryhiuhri


Submitted By Nargizahon
Words 9296
Pages 38
CEDAW in Kyrgyzstan: a movement towards justice

On 18 December, 2009, the world will celebrate 30 - year anniversary of the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). To mark Convention’s 30th birthday, Kyrgyz women’s organizations launched a nation – wide collection of stories, testimonies and reflections about changes which CEDAW brought into lives of Kyrgyz women. The six selected stories, written by the NGOs and women selves were included into this brochure.

UNIFEM is the women’s fund at the United Nations. It provides fi nancial and technical assistance to innovative programmes and strategies to foster women’s empowerment and gender equality. UNIFEM focuses its activities on the over-arching goal of supporting the implementation of existing commitments at the national level to advance gender equality. In support of this goal, UNIFEM works in the following thematic areas: • Strengthening women’s economic security and rights; • Ending violence against women; • Reversing the spread of HIV and AIDS among women and girls; • Achieving gender equality in democratic governance in times of peace as well as war.

ActiveArt is co-founded by long-term art-collaborators Tarot Couzyn and Orla O’Flanagan. They work in partnership with local and national groups, to create innovative and participatory community art. Over the past 6 years they have worked in South Africa, Ireland and the Kyrgyz Republic creating art for egalitarian social and political change.

“CEDAW in Kyrgyzstan: a movement towards justice” Copyright © United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) 2009 UNIFEM Regional Office for CIS UN Premises, 67 Tole Bi str., Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan Tel: (7 7272) 58 26 43 Fax: (7 7272) 58 26 45 E-mail: The text of the brochure was developed by: Designer: Editor: Photographer: Anara Moldosheva, gender expert

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