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Kill Bill Research Paper

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My favorite movie is Kill Bill Which is about an assassin who goes on a killing spree because she was attacked at her wedding and left in a coma for 4 years. She was pregnant during her wedding rehearsal and she misunderstands what happens to her baby and that's why she goes on her Killing spree. When I watch this I try to devise what would happen if she had forgiven those people that attacked her and if she didn't assume her child was dead. If she went that route she would have found out that her baby was alive. People often seek revenge, when they don’t have enough information. Revenge has a lot of consequences that most people don't ponder upon. One of the consequences of the act of revenge is that it will be known that person trying to …show more content…
Seeking revenge will only create a cycle of revenge which causes exhaustion and unproductive results. In the novel, Wuthering Heights , Heathcliff is a character that plots revenge on the love of his life, Catherine. He overheard Catherine’s conversation with a friend about how she wouldn’t want to marry him. He fled and plotted revenge on Katherine and her brother and he married another woman and his son marries Catherine daughter who’s ironically named Cathy. After the death of Catherine, Heathcliff became an even more vengeful person and he becomes very bitter as he became …show more content…
For example, The short Edgar Allen Poe story, The Cask of Amontillado , The narrator Montresor gets offended over “Insults” that his friend Fortunato have said about him. Montresor plotted a way to kill Fortunato and lured him with his love of wine. Montresor even stated right before he killed Fortunato “You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was”. That can imply that he was jealous of Fortunato and blamed him for his lack of success. During the murder of Fortunato said ”For the love of God, Montresor!” and Montresor replied, “Yes, for the love of God!”. Which could mean he felt the murder of his friend was justifiable but later on in life he claims he feels sick at heart after reminiscing the murder.
Revenge could also be emotionally draining because you spend most of your time focused on watching and plotting on someone else’s downfall. That could potentially cause you to become obsessed with tearing down someone else’s life and not give you enough time to be successful. When you become obsessed with other people's interaction it can cause failure. In Heathcliff's case, Revenge caused bitterness in his life and it didn't allow him to grow or focus on being successful. Revenge show’s

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