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King Duncan In William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Our King Duncan was the most kind and loving person I have ever known and I am eternally grateful for all that the kind King Duncan has done for us. He has always been “a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust,” (I.iv.15-16) as well as everyone else in the kingdom. I have always thought that Duncan “resembled my father” (II.ii.16-17) thus I cared for him as someone more than a king and “held [him close] to my heart” (I.iv.35-36). Duncan was a very civil, gracious, and loving person who never crossed anyone or caused anyone problems. He was the best king that we could have ever hoped for. Everyone loved him, and only a complete monster would see of him as anything less. Our castle had always had a “pleasant seat” ( for him and I had always been an “honored hostess” ( in his presence. …show more content…
Being the gracious man he is, when Macbeth’s fortitude showed in war, despite us already having the title over Glamis, he presented Macbeth with even more glory. The gift of the title of Cawdor was not needed, but exactly depicts the kind of person King Duncan was. A man who was always ready to give, and had faith in everyone. No one could live a harmful life under his rule. I am devastated that he is gone too soon, though I know that everyone will continue to “love him highly and shall continue [their] graces towards him” (,37-38). For my husband, even though as king now, does not deserve the honor and loyalty that Duncan had. My husband is truly a monster for killing someone so gracious and kind. Especially when Duncan had referred to him as one of his closest soldiers. Macbeth’s “false face [had hid what his] false heart doth kn[e]w” (I.vii.95-96) and deceived our beloved King Duncan. Especially rude since he had known that Duncan had humbly told us that he did not have the "art to find the mind's construction in the face" (I:

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